- Buffer Limit; Determining the amount of MPI buffering. A http://siber.cankaya.edu.tr/ozdogan/ParallelComputing/cfiles/code19.c program to determine the amount of buffering that MPI_Send provides.
- That is, a program that determines how large a message can be sent with MPI_Send without a matching receive at the destination.
- Barrier; Benchmarking collective barrier. A http://siber.cankaya.edu.tr/ozdogan/ParallelComputing/cfiles/code20.c program to measure the time it takes to perform an MPI_Barrier on MPI_COMM_WORLD.
- Prints the size of MPI_COMM_WORLD and time for each test.
- How does the performance of MPI_Barrier vary with the size of MPI_COMM_WORLD?
- Pingpong. Study following programs.
http://siber.cankaya.edu.tr/ozdogan/ParallelComputing/cfiles/code28.c code28.c,
http://siber.cankaya.edu.tr/ozdogan/ParallelComputing/cfiles/code29.c code29.c,
http://siber.cankaya.edu.tr/ozdogan/ParallelComputing/cfiles/code30.c code30.c.
- Ring. Study following programs.
http://siber.cankaya.edu.tr/ozdogan/ParallelComputing/cfiles/code31.c code31.c,
http://siber.cankaya.edu.tr/ozdogan/ParallelComputing/cfiles/code32.c code32.c,
http://siber.cankaya.edu.tr/ozdogan/ParallelComputing/cfiles/code33.c code33.c.
Cem Ozdogan