- Abstraction Layers
- View of the Field
- SISD Architecture.
- SIMD Architecture.
- MIMD Architecture.
- (a) MIMD Shared Memory, (b) MIMD Distributed Memory.
- (a) SIMD Distributed Computers, (b) Clusters.
- Two SIMD Schemes.
- Two MIMD Categories; Shared Memory and Message Passing MIMD Architectures.
- Cooperative-Communicating with other processes.
- One sided-Communicating with other processes.
- Example program segments.
- Power-cost relationship according to Grosch's law.
- MPI messages.
- Data+Envelope.
- MPI basic datatypes for C.
- Handshake for a blocking non-buffered send/receive operation.
- Blocking buffered transfer protocols: Left: in the presence of communication hardware with buffers at send and receive ends; and Right: in the absence of communication hardware, sender interrupts receiver and deposits data in buffer at receiver end.
- Non-blocking non-buffered send and receive operations Left: in absence of communication hardware; Right: in presence of communication hardware.
- Space of possible protocols for send and receive operations.
- Diagram for Broadcast.
- Diagram for Reduce.
- Diagram for Gather.
- Diagram for All_Gather.
- Diagram for Scatter.
- Diagram for Alltoall.
- Using MPI_Comm_split to split a group of processes in a communicator into subgroups.
- Left: Unix process. Right: Threads within a Unix process.
- Threads model.
- Thread shared memory model.
- Threads Unsafe! Pointers having the same value point to the same data.
- Passing single argument to thread function.
- Passing multiple arguments to thread function via a structure.
- Threads joining.
- A representative sequence for using condition variables.
- A sample OpenMP program along with its Pthreads translation that might be performed by an OpenMP compiler.
- Representation of network technologies.
- A multithreaded server in a client server system.
- A socket connection.
- Supervisor workers model in client server.
- A cluster made of homogenous single-processor computers.
- Source-path routing vs. table-based routing.
- A 64-host Clos network using 16-port Myrinet switch (each line represents two links).
- A 128-host Clos network using 16-port Myrinet switch, which includes 24 Xbar16s.
- Quaternary fat tree of dimension 1 (left) and Elite switch of Quadrics networks (right).
Cem Ozdogan