Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Lecture 9
Programming Shared Memory I
Why Threads?
IKC-MH.57 Introduction to High Performance and Parallel
Computing at December 15, 2023
Dr. Cem Özdo
Engineering Sciences Department
Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
1 Programming Shared Memory
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
What is Threads?
Technically, a thread is defined as an independent
stream of instructions that can be scheduled to run by
the operating system.
Suppose that a main p r ogram contains a number of
procedur es (functions, subroutines, ...).
Then suppose all of these procedures being able to be
scheduled to run simultaneously and/or independently.
That would d escribe a "multi-threaded" program.
Before unders tanding a thread, one first needs to
understand a UNIX process.
Processes contain information about program resources
and program execution state.
Thread s use and exist within these process resources,
To be scheduled by the OS,
R un as independent entities.
A thread has its own independ ent flow of co ntrol as long
as its parent process exists (dies if the parent d ies!).
A thread duplicates only the essential resources it needs.
A thread is "lightweight" because most of the overhead
has already been accomplished through the creation of its
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Threads Model I
In shared memory multiprocessor arc hitectures, such as
SMPs, threads can be used to implement parallelism.
In the threads model of parallel programming, a single
process can have
multiple concurrent,
execution paths.
Most simple analogy for threads is the concept of a single
program that includes a number of subroutines:
Figure: Thread s model.
Main program loads and
acquires all of the
necessary system and user
resources to run.
Main program performs
some serial work,
and then creates a number
of tasks (threads) that can
be scheduled and run by
the OS concurrently.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Threads Model II
Each thread has local data, but also, shares the entire
resources of main program.
Figure: Thread sha r ed memory model.
This saves the overhead associated with r eplicating a
programs resources for each thread.
Each thread also benefits from a global memory view
because it shares the memory space of program.
Any thread can execute any subroutine at the same time
as other threads.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Threads Model III
Threads communicate with each other through global
memory (updating address locations).
Changes made by one thread to shared system resources
(such as closing a file) will be seen by all other threads.
This requires synchron ization constructs to insur e that
more than one thread is not updating
the same global
address at any time.
Figure: Thread s Unsafe! Pointer s having the same value point
to the same d ata.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Why Threads? I
The primary motivation for using threads is to realize
potential program performance gains
When compared to the cost of creating and managing a
process, a thread can be created with much less OS
over head.
Managing threads requires fewer system resources than
managing processes.
Threaded programming models offer significant
advantages over message-passing programming models
along with some disadvantages
as well.
Software Portability;
Thread ed applications can be developed on serial
machines and run on parall el machines without any
This abilit y to migrate programs between diverse
architectu ral platforms is a very significant advantage of
threaded APIs.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Why Threads? II
Latency Hiding;
One of t he major overheads in programs (both serial and
parallel) is the access latency for memory a ccess, I/O, and
By allowing multip le threads to execute on the same
processor, threaded APIs enable this latency to be hidden
In effect, while one thread is waiting for a communication
operation, other threads ca n utilize the CPU, thus masking
associated ove r head.
Scheduling and L oad Balancing;
While in many structured a pplications the task of
allocating equal work to processors is easily accomplished,
In unstru ctured and dynamic application s (such as game
playing and discrete optimization) this task is more difficult.
Thread ed APIs allow the programmer
to specify a large number of concurrent tasks
and support system-level dynamic mapping of tasks to
processors with a view to minimizing idling overheads
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Why Threads? III
Ease of Programming, Widespread Use
D ue to t he mentioned advantages, threaded pro grams are
significantly easier to write (!)
than corresponding programs
using message passing APIs.
With widespread acceptance of t he POSIX thread API,
development tools for POSIX threads are more widely
available and stable.
Overlapping CPU work with I/O: For example, a program
may have sections where it is performing a long I/O
operation. While one thread is waiting for an I/O system
call to complete, CPU intensive work can be performed by
other threads.
Priority/real-time scheduling: tasks which are more
important c an be scheduled to supersede or interrupt
lower priority tasks.
Asynchronous event handlin g: tasks which service
events of indeterminate frequency and duration can be
interleaved. For example, a web server can both transfer
data from previous requests and manage the arrival of
new requests.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Why Threads? IV
A number of vendors provide vendor-specific thread APIs.
Standardization efforts have r esulted in two very different
implementations of threads.
Microsoft has its own implementation for threads, which is
not related to the UN IX POSIX standard or OpenMP.
1 POSIX Threads. Library based; requires parallel coding.
C Language only. Ver y explicit parallelism; requires
significant programmer attention to detail.
Commonly referred to as Pthreads.
POSIX has emerged as the standard threads API,
supported by most vendors.
2 OpenMP. Compiler directive based; can use serial code.
Jointly defined by a group o f major computer hardware and
software vendors.
The OpenMP C/C++ API was released in late 1998.
Portable / multi-platform, inclu ding Unix and Windows
Can be very easy and simp le to use - provides for
“increment al parallelism“.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Why Threads? V
MPI = on-node communications,
MPI libraries usually impleme nt on-node task
communication via shared memory, which involves at least
one memory copy operatio n
(process to process).
Threads = on-node data transfer.
For Pthreads there is no intermediate memory copy
required because threads share the same address space
within a single process.
There is no data transfer.
It becomes more of a cache-to-CPU or memory-to-CPU
bandwidth (worst case) situation.
These speeds are much higher.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Thread Basics: Creation and Termination I
The Pthreads API subroutines can be informally grouped
into four major groups:
1 Thread management: Routi nes that work directly on
threads - creating, detaching, joining, se t/query thread
attributes (joinable, scheduling etc.), etc.
2 Mutexes: Routines that deal with synchronization. Mutex
functions provide for creati ng, destroying, locking and
unlocking mutexes, setting or modifying attributes
associated with mutexes.
3 Condition variables: Routines that address
communications b etween threads that share a mutex.
Functions to create, destroy, wait and signal based upon
specified variable values, set/query condition variable
4 Synchronization: Routines that manag e read/write locks
and barriers.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Thread Basics: Creation and Termination II
Creating Threads:
Initially, main program contains a single, default thread.
pthread_create creates a new thread and makes it
1 # i ncl ude <pthread . h>
2 i n t
3 pthread_cr e at e ( pthread _ t
thread_handle ,
4 const p thr e ad_ at t r _t
a t t ri b u t e ,
5 void
th r ead _f un c ti o n ) (
) ,
6 void
arg ) ;
Creates a single thread that corresponds to the invocation
of the function thread_function (and any other functions
called by thread_function).
Once created, threads are peers, and may create other
On successful creation of a thread, a unique identifier is
associated with the thread and assigned to the location
pointed to by thread_handle.
On successful creation of a thread, pthread_create
returns 0; else it returns an error code.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Thread Basics: Creation and Termination III
The thr ead has the attributes described by the attribute
The arg field s pecifies a pointer to the argument to
function thread_function.
This argument is typically used to pass the wor kspace and
other thread-specific data to a thread.
There is no implied hierarchy or dependency between
Unless you are using the Pthreads scheduling
mechanism, it is up to the implementation and/or OS to
decide where and when threads will execute.
Robust programs should not depend upon threads
executing in a specific order.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Thread Basics: Creation and Termination IV
Terminating Th reads.
There are several ways in which a Pthread may be
ter minated:
a The thread returns from its starting routine (the main
routine for the initial thread).
b The thread makes a call to the pthread_exit subroutine.
c The thread is cancelled by another thread via the
pthread_cancel routine.
d The entire process is terminated due to a call to either the
exec or exit subroutines.
If main finishes before the threads and exits with
pthread_exit(), the other threads will continue to execute
(join function!).
If main finishes af ter the threads and exits, the thr eads wil l
be automatically terminated.
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Thread Basics: Creation and Termination V
Example Code:
This example code creates 5 threads with the
pthread_create() routine.
Each thread prints a ’Hello World!’ message, and then
ter minates with a call to p thread_exit().
1 # in c lude <pthread . h>
2 # i ncl ude < st d i o . h>
3 # i ncl ude < s t d l i b . h>
4 # i ncl ude < uni std . h>
6 # d e f i ne NUM_THREADS 5
8 void
P ri n t H el l o (
th r ead id )
9 {
10 sleep (1 0 ) ;
11 long t i d ;
12 t i d = ( long ) th r ead id ;
13 p r i n t f ( " Hello World ! I t s me, thread #%l d ! \ n " , t i d ) ;
14 p t hre ad _ex it (NULL) ;
15 }
Programming Shared
Memory I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Programming Shared
What is a Thread?
Threads Model
Why Threads?
Thread Basics: Creation
and Termination
Thread Creation
Thread Termination
Thread Basics: Creation and Termination VI
1 i n t main ( i n t argc , char
argv [ ] )
2 {
3 pthre a d _ t threads [NUM_THREADS ] ;
4 i n t rc ;
5 long t ;
6 f o r ( t =0; t <NUM_THREADS; t ++) {
7 p r i n t f ( " I n main : cr e ati ng thread %ld \ n" , t ) ;
8 rc = pthread_cr e a te (& threads [ t ] , NULL , Pr i nt H el l o , ( void
) t )
9 i f ( rc ) {
10 p r i n t f ( "ERROR; re t urn code from pthread_create ( ) i s %d \ n " ,
rc ) ;
11 ex i t ( 1) ;
12 }
13 }
15 /
Last thi ng t h a t main ( ) should do
16 p t hre ad _ex it (NULL) ;
17 }