Introduction I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Four Decades of Computing
Flynn’s Taxonomy of
Computer Architecture
Parallel and Distributed
Past Trends in Parallel Architecture (inside the box)
Completely custom designed components; processors,
memory, interconnects, I/O.
The first three are the major components for the aspects of
the parall el computation.
Longer R&D time (2-3 years).
Expensive systems.
Quickly becoming outdate d .
In the form of internally linked processors was the main
form of parallelism.
Advances in computer networks ⇒ in the form o f networked
autonomous computers.
New Trends in Parallel Architecture (outside the box)
Instead of put ting eve rything in a single box and tightly
couple processors to memory, the Internet achieved a kind
of paralle lism by loosely connecting everything outside of
the box.
Network of PCs and workstations connected via LAN or
WAN forms a Parallel System.
Compete favourably (cost/performance).
Utilize unused cycles of systems sitting idle.