Chapter 4
Atomic Structure
4 Atomic Structure
26 March 2018 2 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
4 Atomic Structure
26 March 2018 3 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Structure of the atom is responsible for nearly all the properties of
matter (the world around us).
Every atom consists of a small nucleus of protons and neutrons with a
number of electrons some distance away.
It is tempting to think that the electrons circle the nucleus as planets do
the sun, but classical electromagnetic theory denies the possibility of
stable electron orbits.
Niels Bohr applied quantum ideas to atomic structure in 1913 (inspired
from Balmers formula).
4. 1 The Nuclear Atom: Thomson model
26 March 2018 4 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
An atom is largely empty space.
Late nineteenth century: It was known that all atoms contain electrons.
Since electrons carry negative charges whereas atoms are neutral,
positively charged matter of some kind must be present in atoms.
But what kind? And arranged in what way?
Joseph John
Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1906
Thomson model: One suggestion, made by the British
physicist J. J. Thomson (Discovery of electron) in 1898, was
that atoms are just positively charged lumps of matter with
electrons embedded in them, like raisins in a fruitcake (Fig. 4.1).
Because Thomson had played an important
role in discovering the electron, his idea was
taken seriously.
But the real atom turned out to be quite
Figure 4.1 The Thomson model of the atom. The
Rutherford scattering experiment showed it to be
4. 1 The Nuclear Atom: Rutherford model
26 March 2018 5 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Rutherford model: Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden used the
fast alpha particles as probes in 1911 at the suggestion of
Ernest Rutherford (Discovery of alpha and beta radioactivity
and discovery of atomic nucleus)
Alpha particles are helium atoms that have lost two
electrons each, leaving them with a charge of +2e.
Fast alpha particles emitted by certain radioactive elements.
Nobel Prize in
Chemistry in
Geiger and Marsden placed a sample of an alpha-emitting substance
behind a lead screen with a small hole in it, as in Fig. 4.2, so that a
narrow beam of alpha particles was produced.
Figure 4.2 The Rutherford scattering experiment.
This beam was directed at a thin gold foil.
It was expected that the alpha particles
would go right through the foil with hardly
any deflection.
This follows from the Thomson model!!
4. 1 The Nuclear Atom: Rutherford model
26 March 2018 6 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
With only weak electric forces exerted on them, alpha particles that
pass through a thin foil should be deflected only slightly, 1° or less.
What Geiger and Marsden actually found was that although most of
the alpha particles indeed were not deviated by much, a few were
scattered through very large angles.
Some were even scattered in the backward direction.
Alpha particles are relatively heavy (almost 8000 electron masses) and
those used in this experiment had high speeds (typically 2x10
It was clear that powerful forces were needed to cause such marked
The only way to explain the results, Rutherford
found, was to picture an atom as being composed
of a tiny nucleus in which its positive charge and
nearly all its mass are concentrated, with the
electrons some distance away (Fig. 4.3)
Figure 4.3 The Rutherford model of the atom.
4. 1 The Nuclear Atom
26 March 2018 7 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
With an atom being largely empty space, it is easy to see why most
alpha particles go right through a thin foil.
However, when an alpha particle happens to come near a nucleus, the
intense electric field there scatters it through a large angle.
The atomic electrons, being so light, do not appreciably affect the
alpha particles.
The nuclear charges always turned out to be multiples of +e; the
number Z of unit positive charges in the nuclei of an element is called
the atomic number of the element.
We know now that protons, each with a charge +e, provide the charge
on a nucleus, so the atomic number of an element is the same as the
number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms.
4. 1 The Nuclear Atom: Nuclear Dimensions
26 March 2018 8 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Rutherford assumed that the size of a target nucleus is small compared
with the minimum distance R to which incident alpha particles
approach the nucleus before being deflected away.
Rutherford scattering therefore gives us a way to find an upper limit to
nuclear dimensions.
An alpha particle will have its smallest R when it approaches a nucleus
head on, which will be followed by a 180° scattering.
At the instant of closest approach the initial kinetic energy KE of the
particle is entirely converted to electric potential energy, and so at that
(Distance of closest approach )
since the charge of the alpha particle is 2e
and that of the nucleus is Ze. Hence
The maximum KE found in alpha particles of natural origin is 7.7 MeV,
which is 1.2x10
J. Since 1/4
and Z=79,
4. 2 Electron Orbit
26 March 2018 9 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
The planetary model of the atom and why it fails.
The Rutherford model of the atom, so convincingly confirmed by
pictures a tiny, massive, positively charged nucleus surrounded at a relatively great
distance by enough electrons.
enough electrons to render the atom electrically neutral as a whole.
Figure 4 5 Force balance in the
hydrogen atom.
The electrons cannot be stationary in this model,
because there is nothing that can keep them in place
against the electric force pulling them to the nucleus.
If the electrons are in motion, however, dynamically
stable orbits like those of the planets around the sun
are possible (Fig. 4.5).
4. 2 Electron Orbit: Hydrogen atom
26 March 2018 10 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Let us look at the classical dynamics of the hydrogen atom, whose
single electron makes it the simplest of all atoms. The centripetal force
holding the electron in an orbit r from the nucleus is provided by:
We assume a circular electron orbit for convenience, though it might as reasonably
be assumed to be elliptical in shape.
The centripetal force holding the electron in an orbit r from the nucleus is provided
by between them. The condition for a dynamically stable orbit is
The electron velocity is therefore related to its orbit radius r by the formula
(4.4 Electron velocity)
The total energy E of the electron in a hydrogen atom is
the sum of its kinetic and potential energies, which are
Substituting for v from Eq. (4.4) gives
The total energy of the electron is negative.
This holds for every atomic electron and reflects the fact that it is bound to the
If E were greater than zero, an electron would not follow a closed orbit around the
(4.5 Total energy of hydrogen atom)
4. 2 Electron Orbit
26 March 2018 11 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Example 4.1
Experiments indicate that 13.6 eV is required to separate a hydrogen
atom into a proton and an electron; that is, its total energy is E=-13.6 eV.
Find the orbital radius and velocity of the electron in a hydrogen atom.
4. 2 Electron Orbit: The Failure of Classical Physics
26 March 2018 12 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Figure 4.6 An atomic electron
should, classically, spiral rapidly
into the nucleus as it radiates
energy due to its acceleration
The analysis above is a straightforward application of
Newton’s laws of motion and Coulomb’s law of
electric force (classical physics) and is in accord with
the experimental observation that atoms are stable.
However, it is not in accord with electromagnetic
theory (another classical physics) which predicts that
accelerated electric charges radiate energy in the form
of EM waves.
An electron following a curved path is accelerated and therefore
should continuously lose energy, spiraling into the nucleus in a
fraction of a second (Fig. 4.6).
But atoms do not collapse.
This contradiction further illustrates what we have discussed before;
The laws of physics that are valid in the macroworld do not always hold
true in the microworld of the atom.
4. 3 Atomic Spectra
26 March 2018 13 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Each element has a characteristic line spectrum.
The existence of spectral lines is an important aspect of the atom that
finds no explanation in classical physics.
We saw previously that condensed matter (solids and liquids) at all
temperatures emits EM radiation in which all wavelengths are present,
though with different intensities.
At one extreme, witnessing the collective behavior of a great many
interacting atoms rather than the characteristic behavior of the atoms
of a particular element.
At the other extreme, the atoms or molecules in a rarefied gas are so
far apart on the average that they only interact during occasional
Under these circumstances, we would expect any emitted radiation to be
characteristic of the particular atoms or molecules present.
4. 3 Atomic Spectra: Emission Line Spectra
26 March 2018 14 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Figure 4.7 An idealized spectrometer
When an atomic gas or vapor at
somewhat less than atmospheric
pressure is suitably “excited,” usually
by passing an electric current through
it, the emitted radiation has a spectrum
which contains certain specific
wavelengths only.
Figure 4.8 Some of the principal lines in the emission spectra
of hydrogen, helium, and mercury.
Figure 4.8 shows the emission line
spectra of several elements.
Every element displays a unique
line spectrum when a sample of it in
the vapor phase is excited.
Spectroscopy is therefore a useful
tool for analyzing the composition
of an unknown substance.
4. 3 AtomicSpectra: Absorption Line Spectra
26 March 2018 15 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
When white light is passed through a gas, the gas is found to absorb
light of certain of the wavelengths present in its emission spectrum.
The resulting absorption line spectrum consists of a bright
background crossed by dark lines that correspond to the missing
wavelengths (Fig. 4.9); emission spectra consist of bright lines on a
dark background.
Figure 4.9 The dark lines in the absorption
spectrum of an element correspond to bright lines
in its emission spectrum.
The number, intensity, and exact wavelengths of the lines in the
spectrum of an element depend upon temperature, pressure, the
presence of electric and magnetic fields, and the motion of the source.
It is possible to tell by examining its spectrum not only what elements
are present in a light source but much about their physical state.
4. 3 Atomic Spectra: Spectral Series
26 March 2018 16 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
A century ago the wavelengths in the spectrum of an element were
found to fall into sets called spectral series.
The first such series was discovered by J. J. Balmer in 1885 in the
course of a study of the visible part of the hydrogen spectrum.
Figure 4.10 shows the Balmer series.
Figure 4.10 The Balmer series of hydrogen. The H
line is red, the
line is blue, the H
and H
lines are violet, and the other lines are
in the near ultraviolet.
As the wave-length decreases, the
lines are found closer together
and weaker in intensity until the
series limit at 364.6 nm is
beyond which there are no further
separate lines but only a faint
continuous spectrum.
Balmers formula for the wavelengths of this series is
The quantity R, known as the Rydberg constant, has the
value R= 1.097x10
=0.01097 nm
What is n for H
? What happens for n=?
4. 3 Atomic Spectra: Spectral Series
26 March 2018 17 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
The Balmer series contains wavelengths in the visible portion of the
hydrogen spectrum.
The spectral lines of hydrogen in the ultraviolet and infrared regions
fall into several other series. In the ultraviolet the Lyman series contains
the wavelengths given by the formula
Figure 4.11 The spectral series of hydrogen. The wavelengths
in each series are related by simple formulas.
In the infrared, three spectral series have been found whose
lines have the wavelengths specified by the formulas
These spectral series of hydrogen are plotted in terms of
wavelength in Fig. 4.11.
4.4 Bohr Atom
26 March 2018 18 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Electron waves in the atom.
The first theory of the atom to meet with any success was put
forward in 1913 by Niels Bohr.
The concept of matter waves leads in a natural way to this
theory, as de Broglie found.
Bohr himself used a different approach, since de Broglie’s
work came a decade later.
Niels Henrik
David Bohr
Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1922
Start by examining the wave behavior of an electron in orbit around a
hydrogen nucleus.
Since the electron velocities are much smaller than c (v<<c), we will
assume that γ=1 and for simplicity omit γ from the equations.
The de Broglie wavelength of this electron is where the
electron velocity v is that given by Eq. (4.4)
(4.11 Orbital electron
4.4 Bohr Atom
26 March 2018 19 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
By substituting 5.3x10
m for the radius r of the electron orbit, we find
the electron wavelength to be
Figure 4.12 The orbit of the
electron in a hydrogen atom
corresponds to a complete electron
de Broglie wave joined on itself
This wavelength is exactly the same as the
circumference of the electron orbit, 2r=33x10
The orbit of the electron in a hydrogen atom
corresponds to one complete electron wave joined
on itself (Fig. 4.12).
The fact that the electron orbit in a hydrogen atom
is one electron wavelength in circumference
provides the clue we need to construct a theory of
the atom.
4.4 Bohr Atom
26 March 2018 20 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Figure 4.13 Some modes of
vibration of a wire loop. In
each case a whole number of
wavelengths fit into the
circumference of the loop.
If we consider the vibrations of a wire loop (Fig. 4.13), we
find that their wavelengths always fit an integral number
of times into the loop’s circumference so that each wave
joins smoothly with the next.
Why are these the only vibrations possible in a wire loop?
If a fractional number of
wavelengths is placed around the
loop, as in Fig. 4.14, destructive
interference will occur as the
waves travel around the loop, and
the vibrations will die out rapidly.
Figure 4.14 A fractional number
of wavelengths cannot persist
because destructive interference
will ocur.
4.4 Bohr Atom
26 March 2018 21 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
By considering the behavior of electron waves in the hydrogen atom as
analogous to the vibrations of a wire loop, then, we can say that
An electron can circle a nucleus only if its orbit contains an integral
number of de Broglie wavelengths.
This statement combines both the particle and wave characters of the
electron since the electron wavelength depends upon the orbital
velocity needed to balance the pull of the nucleus.
It is easy to express the condition that an electron orbit contain an
integral number of de Broglie wavelengths. The circumference of a
circular orbit of radius r is 2r, and so the condition for orbit stability is
(Condition for orbit stability)
where r
designates the radius of the orbit that contain n wavelengths.
The integer n is called the quantum number of the orbit.
4.4 Bohr Atom
26 March 2018 22 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Substituting for , the electron wavelength given by Eq. (4.11), yields
(4.13 Orbital radii in Bohr atom)
and so the possible electron orbits are those whose radii
are given by
The radius of the innermost orbit is customarily called the Bohr radius
of the hydrogen atom and is denoted by the symbol a
(Bohr radius)
The other radii are given in terms of a
by the formula
4.5 Energy Levels and Spectra
26 March 2018 23 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
A photon is emitted when an electron jumps from one energy level to a
lower level.
The various permitted orbits involve different electron energies. The
electron energy E
is given in terms of the orbit radius r
by Eq. (4.5) as
Substituting for r
from Eq (4.13), we see that
4.5 Energy Levels and Spectra
26 March 2018 24 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Figure 4.15 Energy levels of the hydrogen atom.
The energies specified by Eq. (4.15) are called
the energy levels of the hydrogen atom and are
plotted in Fig. 4.15.
An atomic electron can have only these
The lowest energy level E
is called the ground
state of the atom, and
the higher levels E
, E
, E
, . . . are called
excited states.
As the quantum number n increases, the
corresponding energy E
approaches closer to 0.
The work needed to remove an electron from an
atom in its ground state is called its ionization
The ionization energy is accordingly equal to -E
, the energy that must be
provided to raise an electron from its ground state to an energy of E=0, when it
is free. For hydrogen, it is 13.6 eV.
4.5 Energy Levels and Spectra
26 March 2018 25 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Example 4.2
An electron collides with a hydrogen atom in its ground state and
excites it to a state of n=3. How much energy was given to the hydrogen
atom in this inelastic (KE not conserved) collision?
4.5 Energy Levels and Spectra
26 March 2018 26 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Example 4.3
Hydrogen atoms in states of high quantum number have been created in
the laboratory and observed in space. They are called Rydberg atoms.
(a) Find the quantum number of the Bohr orbit in a hydrogen atom
whose radius is 0.0100 mm. (b) What is the energy of a hydrogen atom
in this state?
4.5 Energy Levels and Spectra: Origin of Line Spectra
26 March 2018 27 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
The presence of discrete energy levels in the hydrogen atom suggests
the connection.
According to our model, electrons cannot exist in an atom except in
certain specific energy levels.
The jump of an electron from one level to another, with the difference
in energy between the levels being given off all at once in a photon
rather than in some more gradual manner, fits in well with this model.
Recall that E
is a negative quantity (-13.6 eV), so -E
is a positive
quantity. The frequency of the photon released in this transition is
(4.18 Hydrogen spectrum)
4.5 Energy Levels and Spectra: Hydrogen Spectrum
26 March 2018 28 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Equation (4.18) states that
the radiation emitted by
excited hydrogen atoms
should contain certain
wavelengths only.
These wavelengths,
furthermore, fall into
definite sequences that
depend upon the quantum
number n
of the final
energy level of the electron
(Fig. 4.16).
Figure 4.16 Spectral lines originate in transitions between energy levels. Shown
are the spectral series of hydrogen. When n=, the electron is free.
Since n
> n
in each case, in order that there be an excess of energy to
be given off as a photon, the calculated formulas for the first five
series are Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett, Pfund series.
4.5 Energy Levels and Spectra : Hydrogen Spectrum
26 March 2018 29 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
4.5 Energy Levels and Spectra
26 March 2018 30 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Example 4.4
Find the longest wavelength present in the Balmer series of hydrogen,
corresponding to the H
4.8 Atomic Excitation: How atoms absorb and emit energy.
26 March 2018 31 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
There are two main ways in which an atom can be
excited to an energy above its ground :
1) One of these ways is by a collision with another
particle in which part of their joint kinetic energy
is absorbed by the atom.
Such an excited atom will return to its ground
state in an average of 10
s by emitting one or
more photons (Fig. 4.18).
Figure 4.18 Excitation by collision.
Some of the available energy is
absorbed by one of the atoms, which
goes into an excited energy state. The
atom then emits a photon in returning
to its ground (normal) state..
2) Another excitation mechanism is involved when
an atom absorbs a photon of light whose energy
is just the right amount to raise the atom to a
higher energy level. This process explains the
origin of absorption spectra (Fig. 4.19).
4.8 Atomic Excitation
26 March 2018 32 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Figure 4.19 How emission and
absorption spectral lines originate..
When white light, which contains all
wavelengths, is passed through hydrogen
gas, photons of those wavelengths that
correspond to transitions between energy
levels are absorbed.
The resulting excited hydrogen atoms reradiate their excitation energy
almost at once, but these photons come off in random directions with
only a few in the same direction as the original beam of white light
(Fig. 4.20).
Figure 4.20 The dark lines in an absorption spectrum are
never totally dark
4.9 The LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
26 March 2018 33 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Figure 4.223A laser produces
a beam of light whose waves
all have the same frequency
(monochromatic) and are in
phase with one another
(coherent). The beam is also
well collimated and so
spreads out very little, even
over long distances.
How to produce light waves all in step.
The laser is a device that produces a light beam with
some remarkable properties:
1.The light is very nearly monochromatic.
2.The light is coherent, with the waves all exactly in
phase with one another (Fig.4.23).
3.A laser beam diverges hardly at all.
4.The beam is extremely intense, more intense by far
than the light from any other source
The last two of these properties follow from the second
of them.
4.9 The LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
26 March 2018 34 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Figure 4.24 An atom can exist in a metastable energy level for a longer time
before radiating than it can in an ordinary energy level.
The key to the laser is the
presence in many atoms of one or
more excited energy levels whose
lifetimes may be 10
s or more
instead of the usual 10
Such relatively long-lived states
are called metastable (temporarily
stable); see Fig. 4.24.
Three kinds of transition
involving electromagnetic
radiation are possible
between two energy levels, E
and E
, in an atom (Fig. 4.25)
Figure 4.25 Transitions between two energy levels in an atom can occur by
stimulated absorption, spontaneous emission, and stimulated emission.
4.9 The LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
26 March 2018 35 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
1. Stimulated absorption. If the atom is initially in the lower state E
, it
can be raised to E
by absorbing a photon of energy E
- E
= .
2. Spontaneous emission. If the atom is initially in the upper state E
, it
can drop to E
by emitting a photon of energy .
3. Stimulated emission (Einstein, in 1917, was the first to point out a
third possibility). An incident photon of energy causes a transition
from E
to E
In stimulated emission, the radiated light waves are exactly in phase
with the incident ones, so the result is an enhanced beam of coherent
A photon of energy incident on an atom in the upper state E
the same likelihood of causing the emission of another photon of
energy as its likelihood of being absorbed if it is incident on an
atom in the lower state E
4.9 The LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
26 March 2018 36 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
A three-level laser, the simplest kind, uses an assembly of atoms (or
molecules) that have a metastable state in energy above the ground
state and a still higher excited state that decays to the metastable state
(Fig. 4.26)
Figure 4.26 The principle of the laser.
4.9 The LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
26 March 2018 37 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
What we want is more atoms in the metastable state than in the ground
If we can arrange this and then shine light of frequency ν on the
assembly, there will be more stimulated emissions from atoms in the
metastable state than stimulated absorptions by atoms in the ground
The result will be an amplification of the original light. This is the
concept that underlies the operation of the laser.
The term population inversion describes an assembly of atoms in
which the majority are in energy levels above the ground state;
normally the ground state is occupied to the greatest extent.
26 March 2018 38 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
4 Solved Problems
1. The mysterious lines observed in 1896 in the spectrum of the star ζ-
Puppis fit the empirical formula
where R is the Rydberg constant. Show that these lines can be
explained by the Bohr theory as originating from He
26 March 2018 39 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
4 Solved Problems
26 March 2018 40 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
4 Solved Problems
2. In the n = 3 state of hydrogen (for Bohr model), find the electron’s
radius, velocity, kinetic energy, and potential energy.
26 March 2018 41 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
4 Solved Problems
3. Find the wavelengths of the transitions from n
= 3 to n
= 2 and from
= 4 to n
= 2 in atomic hydrogen.
26 March 2018 42 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
4 Solved Problems
4. The shortest wavelength of the hydrogen Lyman series is 91.13 nm.
Find the three longest wavelengths in this series. (Hint: The shortest
wavelength is the series limit)
26 March 2018 43 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
4 Solved Problems
5. Calculate the two longest wavelengths of the Balmer series of triply
ionized beryllium (Z = 4).
26 March 2018 44 MSE 228 Engineering Quantum Mechanics © Dr.Cem Özdoğan
Chapter 3 Wave Properties of Particles
Additional Materials