• The combination of the total quantum number with the letter that represents orbital angular
momentum provides a convenient and widely used notation for atomic electron states.
• In this notation, a state in which n=2, l=0 is a 2s state, for example, and one in which n=4,
l=2 is a 4d state. Table 6.2 gives the designations of electron states in an atom through n=6,
• Quantization of angular-momentum direction.The orbital quantum number l determines the
magnitude L of the electron’s angular momentum L.
• However, angular momentum, like linear momentum, is a vector
quantity, and to describe it completely means that its direction be
specified as well as its magnitude. (see Fig. 6.3)
• What possible significance can a direction in space have for a
hydrogen atom? The answer becomes clear when we reflect that an
electron revolving about a nucleus is a minute current loop and has a
magnetic field like that of a magnetic dipole.
• Hence an atomic electron that possesses angular momentum
interacts with an external magnetic field B.
Figure 6.3 The right-hand rule for angular momentum.
• The magnetic quantum number m
specifies the direction of L by determining the
component of L in the field direction. This phenomenon is often referred to as space
• If we let the magnetic-field direction be parallel to the z axis, the component of L in this
ion is
• The space quantization of the orbital angular momentum of the
hydrogen atom is show in Fig. 6.4.
• An atom with a certain value of m
will assume the corresponding
orientation of its angular momentum L relative to an external magnetic
field if it finds itself in such a field.
• In the absence of an external magnetic field, the direction of the z axis
is arbitrary.
• What must be true is that the component of L in any direction we
choose is m
• What an external magnetic field does is to provide an experimentally
meaningful reference direction.
Figure 6.4 Space quantization of orbital angular momentum. Here the orbital quantum number
is l=2 and there are accordingly 2l+1=5 possible values of the magnetic quantum number m
with each value corresponding to a different orientation relative to the z-axis.