First Meeting
Dr. Cem Özdo
First Meeting
Lecture Information
Course Overview
Text Book
Grading Criteria
Introduction to Modern
Physics around 1900
Newtonian Physics
Failures of Newtonian
Modern Physics
Failures of Newtonian physics I
Failure of classical physics gives rise to modern physics
Everything deviating from New tonian mechanics has been
considered as modern physics
Michelson and Morley Experiment (1887)
Light was unaffected by the motion of the observer
Speed of light does not depend on the direction of the ligh t
The properties of glowing hot bodies could not be
explained. Heat theory failed to explain the energy emitted
by a blackbody
Heat is the thermal motion of atoms in a body. Consider
heat trapped in a cavity ( blackbody).
The emitte d sp ectrum of energy becomes infinite as the
energy of radiation increases!
However, measured spectrum o f real blackbodies show an
increase and then cut-off