Interval Halving (Bisection)

$\displaystyle f(x)=3x + sin(x) - e^x

Look at to the plot of the function (see Fig. 3.1) to learn where the function crosses the x-axis. MATLAB can do it for us:
>> f = inline ( ' 3 *x + sin ( x) - exp ( x) ')
>> fplot ( f, [ 0 2 ]) ; grid on
And we see from the figure that indicates there are zeros at about $ x=0.35$ and $ 1.9$.
An algorithm for Halving the Interval (Bisection):
To determine a root of $f(x)=0$ that is accurate within a ... $x_l=x_3$ End If\\
Until $(\vert x_1 - x_2\vert) < 2*tolerance value$\\
}} To obtain the true value for the root, which is needed to compute the actual error. MATLAB surely used a more advanced method than bisection.
>> solve('3*x + sin(x) - exp(x)')
Figure 3.1: Plot of the function: $ f(x)=3x + sin(x) - e^x$

Table 3.1: The bisection method for $ f(x)=3x + sin(x) - e^x$, starting from $ x_1=0,x_2=1$, using a tolerance value of 1E-4.
