- There are many variants to the Gaussian elimination scheme.
- One variant that is sometimes used is the Gauss-Jordan scheme.
- In it, the elements above the diagonal are made zero at the same time that zeros are created below the diagonal.
- Usually, the diagonal elements are made ones at the same time that the reduction is performed; this transforms the coefficient matrix into the identity matrix.
- When this has been accomplished, the column of right-hand sides has been transformed into the solution vector.
- Pivoting is normally employed to preserve arithmetic accuracy.
- Interchanging rows 1 and 4, dividing the new first row by 6, and reducing the first column gives
- Interchanging rows 2 and 3, dividing the new second row by -3.6667, and reducing the second column (operating above the diagonal as well as below) gives
- No interchanges now are required. We divide the third row by 6.8182 and create zeros below and above.
- We complete by dividing the fourth row by 1.5599 and create zeros above.
- The fourth column is now the solution.
- While the Gauss-Jordan method might seem to require the same effort as Gaussian elimination, it really requires almost 50% more operations.
Cem Ozdogan