Chapter 10
10 Rotation
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10.1_2 The Rotation & Rotational Variables
We now look at motion of rotation.
We will find the same laws apply.
But we will need new quantities to express them
o Torque
o Rotational inertia
A rigid body rotates as a unit, locked together.
We look at rotation about a fixed axis.
These requirements exclude from consideration:
o The Sun, where layers of gas rotate separately
o A rolling bowling ball, where rotation and translation occur
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Translation and Rotation
Motion of Translation : Object moves along a straight or
curved line.
Motion of Rotation: Object rotates about a fixed axis
(object rotates about center of mass) .
meter (m)
meter (m)
meters/sec (m/s)
Motion of Translation:
i.e. Motion along a straight line
(along x-axis)
Angular Position
radians (rad)
Angular Displacement
radians (rad)
Angular Velocity
Angular Acceleration
1 rad = 2π = 1 revolution
Motion of Rotation:
i.e. rotation of tires about a fixed axis
10.1_2 The Rotation & Rotational Variables
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A rigid body is a body that can rotate with all its parts locked together
and without any change in its shape.
A fixed axis means that the rotation occurs about an axis that does not
move. The fixed axis is called the axis of rotation.
Rigid body
Fixed axes
Follows a
circular line
Reference Line: The angular position of this line
(and of the object) is taken relative to a fixed
direction, the zero angular position.
10.1_2 The Rotation & Rotational Variables
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1- Angular Position,
s: length of a circular arc that extends from the x
axis reference line.
r: radius of the circle.
An angle () measured in radians (rad)!
Changing the angular position of the
reference line from
, the body
undergoes an angular displacement 
given by;
2- Angular Displacement ()
An angular displacement in the
counterclockwise direction is positive,
and one in the clockwise direction is
Clocks are negative!
10.1_2 The Rotation & Rotational Variables
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3- Angular Velocity ()
Average angular velocity: angular displacement during a time interval
Instantenous angular velocity: limit as Δt 0
4- Angular Acceleration (): If the angular velocity of a rotating body is not
constant, then the body has an angular acceleration.
Average angular acceleration:
angular velocity change during a
time interval
If the body is rigid, these
equations hold for all points
on the body.
Magnitude of angular
velocity = angular speed.
Intantenous angular acceleration: limit as Δt → 0
10.1_2 The Rotation & Rotational Variables
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Sample problem:
10.1_2 The Rotation & Rotational Variables
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Sample problem contd.:
10.1_2 The Rotation & Rotational Variables
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Sample problem contd.:
10.1_2 The Rotation & Rotational Variables
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Sample problem: Angular Velocity and Acceleration
10.1_2 The Rotation & Rotational Variables
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10.3 Are Angular Quantities Vectors?
With right-hand rule to determine direction, angular velocity &
acceleration can be written as vectors.
If the body rotates around the vector, then the vector points along the
axis of rotation,
Angular displacements are not vectors, because the order of rotation
matters for rotations around different axes.
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10.4 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
Just as in the basic equations for constant linear acceleration, the basic
equations for constant angular acceleration can be derived in a
similar manner.
The constant angular acceleration equations are similar to the constant
linear acceleration equations.
We simply change linear quantities to angular ones.
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Sample problem: Constant Angular Acceleration
The angular acceleration is constant, so we can use the
rotation equation:
Substituting known values and setting
=0 and =5.0
rev =10p rad give us
Solving this quadratic equation for t, we find t =32 s.
(b) Describe the grindstone’s rotation between t =0 and
t =32 s.
Description: The wheel is initially rotating in the negative
(clockwise) direction with angular velocity w
=4.6 rad/s,
but its angular acceleration a is positive.
The initial opposite signs of angular velocity and angular
acceleration means that the wheel slows in its rotation in the
negative direction, stops, and then reverses to rotate in the
positive direction.
After the reference line comes back through its initial
orientation of q= 0, the wheel turns an additional 5.0 rev by
time t =32 s.
(c) At what time t does the grindstone momentarily stop?
Calculation: With w =0, we solve for the corresponding time
10.4 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
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Sample problem: Constant Angular Acceleration
10.4 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
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10.5 Relating Linear and Angular Variables
If a reference line rotates through an
angle , a point within the body at a
position r from the rotation axis moves a
distance s along a circular arc, where s is
given by:
Differentiating the above equation
with respect to time
Period of Revolution
Angular speed of particles are the same but
linear speed increases as going to outside of the
rotation axis!
r: radius of the circle travelled by
Linear and angular variables are
related by r (perpendicular
distance from the rotational axis)
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Differentiating with respect to
:The radial part of the acceleration is
the centripetal acceleration
: tangential acceleration
Tangential acceleration Radial acceleration
(in terms of angular velocity)
10.5 Relating Linear and Angular Variables
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Consider an induction roller coaster (which can be
accelerated by magnetic forces even on a horizontal track).
Each passenger is to leave the loading point with
acceleration g along the horizontal track.
That first section of track forms a circular arc (see Figure),
so that the passenger also experiences a centripetal
acceleration. As the passenger accelerates along the arc, the
magnitude of this centripetal acceleration increases
alarmingly. When the magnitude a of the net acceleration
reaches 4g at some point P and angle
along the arc, the
passenger moves in a straight line, along a tangent to the
(a)What angle
should the arc subtend so that a is 4g at point P?
=0, and
=0, and we find:
which gives:
Sample problem
This leads us to a total acceleration:
Substituting for a
, and solving for
lead to:
When a reaches the design value of 4g, angle
is the angle
. Substituting a =4g, =
, and
= g, we find:
10.5 Relating Linear and Angular Variables
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Sample problem cont.
(b) What is the magnitude a of the passengers net
acceleration at point P and after point P?
Reasoning: At P, a has the design value of 4g. Just
after P is reached, the passenger moves in a straight
line and no longer has centripetal acceleration.
Thus, the passenger has only the acceleration
magnitude g along the track.
Hence, a =4g at P and a =g after P.
10.5 Relating Linear and Angular Variables
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10.6 Kinetic Energy of Rotation
For an extended rotating rigid body,
treat the body as a collection of particles with different linear
velocities (same angular velocity for all particles but possibly
different radii ),
and add up the kinetic energies of all the particles to find the total
kinetic energy of the body:
is the mass of the i
particle and v
is its speed).
Rotational Inertia(or moment of inertia) I
(With respect to axis of rotation)
Kinetic Energy
of Rotation
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10.7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
I is a constant for a rigid object and given rotational axis.
Caution: the axis for I must always be specified.
Use these equations for a finite set of rotating particles.
Rotational inertia corresponds to how difficult it is to change the state
of rotation (speed up, slow down or change the axis of rotation)
If a rigid body consists of a great many adjacent particles (it is
continuous), we consider an integral and define the rotational inertia of
the body as
In principle we can always use this equation.
But there is a set of common shapes for which values have already
been calculated (see Table) for common axes.
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10.7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
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If a rigid body consists of a great many adjacent particles
10.7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
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Parallel Axis Theorem:
If h is a perpendicular distance between a
given axis and the axis through the center of
mass (these two axes being parallel).Then
the rotational inertia I about the given axis is
If we know the rotational inertia about an axis that extends through
the body’s center of mass (I
), then we can calculate rotational
inertia about an another axis parallel to the first one.
I = ?
h: perpendicular distance to com
Note the axes must be parallel, and the first must go through the center
of mass.
This does not relate the moment of inertia for two arbitrary axes.
10.7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
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Sample problem: Rotational Inertia
10.7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
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Sample problem: Rotational Inertia
10.7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
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Sample problem: Rotational Inertia cont.
10.7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
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10.8 Torque, t
The ability of a force F to rotate the body depends on both the
magnitude of its tangential component F
and also on just how far from
O, the pivot point, the force is applied.
To include both these factors, a quantity called torque t is defined as:
where is called the moment arm of F.
Again, torque is positive if it would cause a counterclockwise
rotation, otherwise negative.
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Torque takes these factors into account:
1. A line extended through the applied force is called the line of action
of the force.
2. The perpendicular distance from the line of action to the axis is called
the moment arm.
The unit of torque is the newton-meter, N m.
Note that 1 J = 1 N m, but torques are never expressed in joules, torque
is not energy.
10.8 Torque, t
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10.9 Newton’s 2
Law of Rotation
For more than one force, we can generalize:
Rewrite F = ma with rotational variables:
It is torque that causes angular acceleration
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Sample problem: Newton’s 2
Law in Rotational Moition
Forces on block:
From the block’s freebody, we can write
Newton’s second law for components
along a vertical y axis as: T mg= ma.
The torque from the tension force, T, is -RT, negative
because the torque rotates the disk clockwise from
The rotational inertia I of the disk is ½ MR
But t
=I =-RT=1/2 MR
Because the cord does not slip, the linear acceleration
a of the block and the (tangential) linear acceleration
of the rim of the disk are equal. We now have: T=-
1/2 Ma.
We then find T:
The angular acceleration of the disk is:
Note that the acceleration a of the falling block is less
than g, and tension T in the cord (=6.0 N) is less than
the gravitational force on the hanging block ( mg =11.8
10.9 Newton’s 2
Law of Rotation
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10.10 Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy
where t is the torque doing the
work W, and
are the
body’s angular positions before
and after the work is done,
When t is constant
The rate at which the work is done is the power
The rotational work-kinetic energy theorem states:
The work done in a rotation about a
fixed axis can be calculated by:
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10.10 Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy
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Sample problem: Work, Rotational KE,
10.10 Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy
Eq. (10-7)
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Angular Position
Measured around a rotation axis,
relative to a reference line:
Angular Displacement
A change in angular position
10 Summary
Eq. (10-1)
Eq. (10-5)
Angular Acceleration
Average and instantaneous values:
Eq. (10-4)
Angular Velocity and Speed
Average and instantaneous values:
Eq. (10-6)
Eq. (10-8)
Kinematic Equations
Given in Table 10-1 for constant
Match the linear case
Rotational Kinetic Energy
and Rotational Inertia
Eq. (10-34)
Eq. (10-33)
Linear and Angular Variables
Linear and angular displacement,
velocity, and acceleration are
related by r
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10 Summary
The Parallel-Axis Theorem
Relate moment of inertia around
any parallel axis to value around
com axis
Eq. (10-36)
Force applied at distance from an
Moment arm: perpendicular
distance to the rotation axis
Newton's Second Law in
Angular Form
Work and Rotational Kinetic
Eq. (10-42)
Eq. (10-53)
Eq. (10-55)
Eq. (10-39)
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10 Solved Problems
1. A disk rotates about its central axis starting from rest and accelerates with constant
angular acceleration. At one time it is rotating at 10 rev/s; 60 revolutions later, its
angular speed is 15 rev/s. Calculate (a) the angular acceleration, (b) the time
required to complete the 60 revolutions, (c) the time required to reach the 10 rev/s
angular speed, and (d) the number of revolutions from rest until the time the disk
reaches the 10 rev/s angular speed.
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10 Solved Problems
2. If a 32.0 N·m torque on a wheel causes angular acceleration 25.0 rad/s
, what is
the wheel's rotational inertia?
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10 Solved Problems
3.In Figure, block 1 has mass m
=460 g, block 2 has mass
=500 g, and the pulley, which is mounted on a horizontal axle
with negligible friction, has radius R=5.00 cm. When released
from rest, block 2 falls 75.0 cm in 5.00 s without the cord
slipping on the pulley. (a) What is the magnitude of the
acceleration of the blocks? What are (b) tension T
and (c)
tension T
? (d) What is the magnitude of the pulley's angular
acceleration? (e) What is its rotational inertia?
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10 Solved Problems
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10 Solved Problems
4. A 32.0 kg wheel, essentially a thin hoop with radius 1.20 m, is rotating at
280 rev/min. It must be brought to a stop in 15.0 s. (a) How much work must be
done to stop it? (b) What is the required average power?
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10 Solved Problems
5. In Figure, two 6.20 kg blocks are connected by a massless string over a pulley of
radius 2.40 cm and rotational inertia 7.40x10
. The string does not slip on
the pulley; it is not known whether there is friction between the table and the
sliding block; the pulley's axis is frictionless. When this system is released from
rest, the pulley turns through 0.650 rad in 91.0 ms and the acceleration of the
blocks is constant. What are (a) the magnitude of the pulley's angular acceleration,
(b) the magnitude of either block's acceleration, (c) string tension T
, and (d) string
tension T
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10 Solved Problems
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Additional Materials
10 Rotation
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10.7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
Let O be the center of mass (and also the origin of the
coordinate system) of the arbitrarily shaped body shown
in cross section.
Consider an axis through O perpendicular to the plane of
the figure, and another axis through point P parallel to the
first axis.
Let the x and y coordinates of P be a and b.
Let dm be a mass element with the general coordinates x
and y. The rotational inertia of the body about the axis
through P is:
But x
+ y
, where R is the distance from O to dm,
the first integral is simply I
, the rotational inertia of the
body about an axis through its center of mass.
The last term in is Mh
, where M is the body’s total mass.
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10 Solved Problems
6.In Figure, a thin uniform rod (mass 3.0 kg, length 4.0 m) rotates freely
about a horizontal axis A that is perpendicular to the rod and passes through
a point at distance d=1.0 m from the end of the rod. The kinetic energy of
the rod as it passes through the vertical position is 20 J. (a) What is the
rotational inertia of the rod about axis ? (b) What is the (linear) speed of the
end of the rod as the rod passes through the vertical position? (c) At what
angle ϴ will the rod momentarily stop in its upward swing?
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10-1_2 Rotational Variables
10.01 Identify that if all parts of a body rotate around a fixed axis locked
together, the body is a rigid body.
10.02 Identify that the angular position of a rotating rigid body is the
angle that an internal reference line makes with a fixed, external
reference line.
10.03 Apply the relationship between angular displacement and the initial
and final angular positions.
10.04 Apply the relationship between average angular velocity, angular
displacement, and the time interval for that displacement.
10.05 Apply the relationship between average angular acceleration,
change in angular velocity, and the time interval for that change.
10.06 Identify that counterclockwise motion is in the positive direction
and clockwise motion is in the negative direction.
10.07 Given angular position as a function of time, calculate the
instantaneous angular velocity at any particular time and the average
angular velocity between any two particular times.
Learning Objectives
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10-1_2 Rotational Variables
10.08 Given a graph of angular position versus time, determine the
instantaneous angular velocity at a particular time and the average
angular velocity between any two particular times.
10.09 Identify instantaneous angular speed as the magnitude of the
instantaneous angular velocity.
10.10 Given angular velocity as a function of time, calculate the
instantaneous angular acceleration at any particular time and the
average angular acceleration between any two particular times.
10.11 Given a graph of angular velocity versus time, determine the
instantaneous angular acceleration at any particular time and the
average angular acceleration between any two particular times.
10.12 Calculate a body’s change in angular velocity by integrating its
angular acceleration function with respect to time.
10.13 Calculate a body’s change in angular position by integrating its
angular velocity function with respect to time.
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10-3_4 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
10.14 For constant angular acceleration, apply the relationships between
angular position, angular displacement, angular velocity, angular
acceleration, and elapsed time (Table 10-1).
Learning Objectives
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10-5 Relating the Linear and Angular Variables
10.15 For a rigid body rotating
about a fixed axis, relate the
angular variables of the body
(angular position, angular
velocity, and angular
acceleration) and the linear
variables of a particle on the
body (position, velocity, and
acceleration) at any given
10.16 Distinguish between
tangential acceleration and
radial acceleration, and draw
a vector for each in a sketch
of a particle on a body
rotating about an axis, for
both an increase in angular
speed and a decrease.
Learning Objectives
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10-6 Kinetic Energy of Rotation
10.17 Find the rotational
inertia of a particle about a
10.18 Find the total rotational
inertia of many particles
moving around the same
fixed axis.
10.19 Calculate the rotational
kinetic energy of a body in
terms of its rotational inertia
and its angular speed.
Learning Objectives
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10-7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
10.20 Determine the rotational
inertia of a body if it is given
in Table 10-2.
10.21 Calculate the rotational
inertia of body by integration
over the mass elements of the
10.22 Apply the parallel-axis
theorem for a rotation axis
that is displaced from a
parallel axis through the
center of mass of a body.
Learning Objectives
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10-8 Torque
10.23 Identify that a torque on a body
involves a force and a position
vector, which extends from a
rotation axis to the point where the
force is applied.
10.24 Calculate the torque by using
(a) the angle between the position
vector and the force vector, (b) the
line of action and the moment arm
of the force, and (c) the force
component perpendicular to the
position vector.
10.25 Identify that a rotation axis
must always be specified to
calculate a torque.
10.26 Identify that a torque is
assigned a positive or negative
sign depending on the direction
it tends to make the body rotate
about a specified rotation axis:
“clocks are negative.”
10.27 When more than one torque
acts on a body about a rotation
axis, calculate the net torque.
Learning Objectives
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10-9 Newton's Second Law for Rotation
10.28 Apply Newton's second law for rotation to relate the net
torque on a body to the body's rotational inertia and rotational
acceleration, all calculated relative to a specified rotation axis.
Learning Objectives
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10-10 Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy
10.29 Calculate the work done
by a torque acting on a
rotating body by integrating
the torque with respect to the
angle of rotation.
10.30 Apply the work-kinetic
energy theorem to relate the
work done by a torque to the
resulting change in the
rotational kinetic energy of
the body.
10.31 Calculate the work done
by a constant torque by
relating the work to the angle
through which the body
10.32 Calculate the power of a
torque by finding the rate at
which work is done.
10.33 Calculate the power of a
torque at any given instant by
relating it to the torque and
the angular velocity at that
Learning Objectives