PHY102 Physics II
Spring 2017

Visit the web page Phy102 Physics II Homepage (PHYSICS 2_SPRING2017) for course information (Syllabus,

Schedule, Grading Policy, Exam Solutions, …)

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Visit the web page Cem Ozdogan's Homepage for instructor information

(Lectures will be posted)

Text: Fundamentals of Physics, 9th Edition, D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker.

We will cover chapters 21-33.

Ch. 21: Electric charge, conductors and insulators, Coulomb’s Law, quantization and conservation principles for charge

Ch. 22: Electric fields, field maps, fields due to various charge geometries, point charges and dipoles in an electric field

Ch. 23: Electric flux, Gauss’s Law for electric fields, Coulomb’s Law from Gauss’s Law, isolated charged conductors, considerations of symmetry

Ch. 24: Electric potential energy and work, electric potential, equipotentials, potentials due to discrete and continuous charge distributions, isolated conductors, determining the electric field from the potential

Ch. 25: Capacitors and capacitance, series and parallel arrangements, stored energy, dielectric materials, Gauss’s Law with dielectric

Ch. 26: Electric current, current density, non-perfect conductors, resistivity and resistance, Ohm’s Law, power and energy in electric circuits, semiconductor materials, superconductors

Ch. 27: DC circuits, energy and work, electromotive force, single and multi-loop circuits, parallel and series combinations of resistances, Kirchoff’s Laws, RC circuits, time constant

Ch. 28: Magnetic fields, forces on moving charges, crossed fields, Hall effect, cyclotrons, force and torque on current carrying wires and loops, magnetic dipoles and dipole moment

Ch. 29: Sources of magnetic field, Biot-Savart Law, calculating the magnetic field for various current geometries, Ampere’s Law, consideration of symmetry, forces between parallel currents, solenoids and toroids, a coil as a dipole

Ch. 30: Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s Law, Lenz’s Law, induced electric fields, induction and inductors, RL circuits and time constants, energy stored in magnetic fields, energy density in magnetic fields, mutual inductance

Ch. 31:Electromagnetic oscillators, series RLC circuit, transformers, forced oscillators, resonant circuits, damped oscillators

Ch. 32: Gauss’s Law for magnetism, displacement currents, induced magnetic fields, Maxwell’s equations, magnets and magnetic materials.

Ch. 33: Electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic spectrum, travelling EM waves, Poynting Vector, energy transport, radiation pressure, polarization, reflection and refraction.

Lecture Notes by Cem Özdoğan, PhD

CH: Chapter,

SP: Sample Problems (Fundamentals of Physics, 9th Edition, D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker )

Topics covered

Lecture Notes

Interactive Lecture Questions

Learning Outcomes

CH21 Electric Charge

CH21 Electric Charge

CH21 Electric Charge


CH22 Electric Fields

CH22 Electric Fields

CH23 Gauss'Law

CH23 Gauss'Law

CH23 Gauss'Law

CH24 Electric_Potential

CH24 Electric_Potential

CH24 Electric_Potential

CH25 Capacitance

CH25 Capacitance

CH25 Capacitance

CH26 Current and Resistance

CH26 Current and Resistance

CH27 Circuits

CH27 Circuits

CH28 Magnetic Fields

CH28 Magnetic Fields



CH21-CH33 Phys132

CH21-CH33 Phys132