SciPy is a scientific computation library in Python. A collection of mathematical functions and algorithms built on Python’s extension NumPy
- It provides the user with high-level commands and classes for manipulating and visualizing data.
- It is widely used in machine learning and scientific programming and comes with integrated support for linear algebra and statistics.
- Some of the features provided by SciPy
- Search for minima and maxima of functions
- Calculation of function integrals
- Support for special functions
- Signal processing
- Multi-dimensional image processing
- Work with genetic algorithms
- Fourier transform capabilities
- Solving ordinary differential equations
- The scipy namespace itself only contains functions imported from numpy.
Therefore, importing only the scipy base package does only provide numpy content, which could be imported from numpy directly (NOT USED as import scipy).
i.e., from scipy import linalg, io
Figure 2.3:
SciPy Modules.