Programming Examples in Python
    1 #!/usr/bin/python3
    2 ######### Variables #########
    3 # Each variable in python has a "type". The variable type is not pre-defined, it is "DYNAMICALLY" resolved at run-time
    4 answer = 42   # "answer" contained an integer because we gave it 
    5 print(answer) # as an integer!
    6 # 42
    7 is_it_thursday = True   # These both are 'booleans' or true/false
    8 is_it_wednesday = False #  values
    9 pi_approx = 3.1415   # This will be a floating point number
   10 my_string = "Value of pi number" # This is a string datatype
   11 print(pi_approx, my_string)
   12 # 3.1415 Value of pi number
   13 print ("my_string[0]: ", my_string[0]) # Access substrings use []
   14 # my_string[0]:  V
   15 print ("my_string[1:5]: ", my_string[1:5]) # or indices
   16 # my_string[1:5]:  alue
   17 # print(pi_approx + my_string)
   18 ## TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'float' and 'str'
   19 print(my_string + " in four digits after .")
   20 # Value of pi number in four digits after .
   21 print(type(pi_approx)) # You can get the data type of any object
   22 # <class 'float'>
   23 # Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division are as you expect
   24 float1 = 5.75; float2 = 2.25
   25 print(float1 + float2); print(float1 - float2); print(float1 * float2); print(float1 / float2)
   26 print(5 % 2) # Modulus

    1 ## More Complicated Data Types
    2 # LIST. What if we want to store many integers? We need a list.
    3 prices = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] # A way to define a list in place
    4 colors = [] #  We can also make an empty list and add to it
    5 colors.append("Green")
    6 colors.append("Blue")
    7 colors.append("Red")
    8 print(colors)
    9 prices.append("Sixty") # We can also add unlike data to a list
   10 print(prices) # Items in a list can be of different type
   11 print(colors[0]) # Single list elements can be accessed
   12 print(colors[2]) # with the operator [ ]
   13 ourlist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Basic List Operations
   14 print(ourlist+ourlist) # Concatenation
   15 print(3*ourlist)       # Repetition
   16 multiplied_ourlist = [value * 3 for value in ourlist] # Membership
   17 print(multiplied_ourlist)  # Iteration
   18 #
   19 # TUPLE. A tuple is a sequence ordered data enclosed between ().
   20 tuple1 = "a", "b", "c", "d"
   21 tuple2 = ('physics', 'chemistry', 2022, 2023) # Data heterogeneous
   22 tuple3 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 )
   23 ikc_muh_55_info = ("IKC-MH", "55", 2023, "February", 28)
   24 print("tuple1[0]: ", tuple1[0])     # access to single element
   25 print("tuple2[1:5]: ", tuple2[1:5]) # access to slice
   26 print(ikc_muh_55_info[0] + "." + ikc_muh_55_info[1])
   27 print(tuple3)
    1 # DICTIONARY. An unordered collection of items
    2 person = {"name": "Mehmet", "age": 19}
    3 print(f"{person['name']} is {person['age']} years old.")
    4 print(person["name"])
    5 squares = {1: 1, 3: 9, 5: 25, 7: 49, 9: 81}
    6 for i in squares:
    7     print(squares[i])
    8 #
    9 ######### Loops in Python #########
   10 # Repeat code until a conditional statement ends the loop
   11 # WHILE.
   12 list = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
   13 print(list)
   14 print("i", "list[i]")
   15 i = 0
   16 while (i < len(list)): # While loops are the basic type
   17     print(i, list[i])
   18     i = i + 1
   19 #
   20 # FOR. The 'for' loop is the way to write it faster.
   21 for i in range(0, len(list)):
   22     print(i, list[i])
   23 # Or you can do so even neater
   24 for e in list:
   25     print(e)
    1 ######### Conditionals in Python #########
    2 # Sometimes you want to execute code only in certain circumstances
    3 answer = 42 # Change answer and see what code is executed
    4 if answer == 42:
    5     print('This is the answer to the ultimate question')
    6 elif answer < 42:
    7     print('This is less than the answer to the ultimate question')
    8 else:
    9     print('This is more than the answer to the ultimate question')
   10 print('This print statement is run no matter what because it is not indented!')
   11 # Using boolean operations. Question: How long does it take me to get to work?
   12 snowy = True
   13 day = "Monday"
   14 rainy = True
   15 if (snowy == False) and (day != "Monday"): # "and" is boolean and. True only if both are true. False otherwise
   16     time = 7
   17 elif (snowy == True) and (day == "Monday"):
   18     time = 11
   19 elif (rainy == True) or (day == "Monday"):
   20     time = 9
   21 print("It takes me %d minutes" % (time))

    1 # while & if statements example
    2 number = 23
    3 running = True
    4 while running:
    5     guess = int(input('Enter an integer : '))
    6     if guess == number:
    7         print('Congratulations, you guessed it.')
    8         running = False # this causes the while loop to stop
    9     elif guess < number:
   10         print('No, it is a little higher than that.')
   11     else:
   12         print('No, it is a little lower than that.')
   13 else:
   14     print('The while loop is over.')
   15 print('Done') # Do anything else you want to do here
   16 #
   17 ######### Functions in Python #########
   18 # A function is a block of code which only runs when it is called and can be run repetitively.
   19 # use the def keyword, and indent because this creates a new block
   20 def print_me(string): # Function definition is here
   21     "This prints a passed string into this function" # The first statement of a function can be an optional statement
   22     print(string)
   23     return     # End with the "return" keyword
   24 print_me("I'm first call to user defined function!") # Function call
   25 print_me("Again second call to the same function") # Function call
    1 def changelist( mylist ):
    2     """This changes a passed list into this function"""
    3     mylist = [1,20,3,4] # Call by  Value in Python. This assigns new reference in mylist
    4                    # Call by Reference when commenting this line
    5     print("Address inside the function: ", id(mylist))
    6     mylist.append(9)  
    7     mylist[0]=7       
    8     mylist.remove(20) 
    9     print("Values inside the function: ", mylist)
   10 mylist = [10,20,30] # Function call
   11 print("Initial values outside the function: ", mylist)
   12 print("Address outside the function: ", id(mylist))
   13 changelist( mylist )
   14 print("Values outside the function: ", mylist)
   15 # Initial values outside the function:  [10, 20, 30]
   16 # Address outside the function:  140390909223488 # Call by  Value
   17 # Address inside the function:  140390919434048  # Call by  Value
   18 # Values inside the function:  [7, 3, 4, 9]  # Call by  Value
   19 # Values outside the function:  [10, 20, 30] # Call by  Value
   20 #
   21 # Initial values outside the function:  [10, 20, 30]
   22 # Address outside the function:  140390919434048 # Call by Ref.
   23 # Address inside the function:  140390919434048  # Call by Ref.
   24 # Values inside the function:  [7, 30, 9]  # Call by Reference
   25 # Values outside the function:  [7, 30, 9] # Call by Reference
    1 def step(x): # Your functions can return data if you so choose
    2     if (x < 0):
    3         return -1
    4     elif (x > 0):
    5         return 1
    6 print(step(-1)) # call functions by repeating their name, and putting your variable in the parenthesis
    7 print(step(1))  # Your variable need not be named the same thing, but it should be the right type
    8 # what happens for x = 0?
    9 print(step(0)) # Python automatically adds in a "return none" statement if you are missing one.
   10 #
   11 # Fix the return none issue
   12 def step_v2(x):
   13     if (x < 0):
   14         return -1
   15     elif (x >= 0):
   16         return 1
   17 print(step_v2(0))
    1 ######### Importing in Python #########
    2 # Just about every standard math function on a calculator has a python equivalent pre-made.
    3 import math
    4 float1 = 5.75
    5 float2 = 2.25
    6 print(math.log(float1)); print(math.exp(float2)); print(math.pow(2,5))
    7 print(2.0**5.0) # There is a quicker way to write exponents
    8 #
    9 ######### Numpy - "The Fundamental Package for Scientific Computing with Python" #########
   10 # numpy has arrays, which function similarly to Python lists.
   11 #
   12 # Generally, it is used a convention on names used to import packages (such as numpy, scipy, and matplotlib)
   13 # import [package] as [alias]
   14 import numpy as np
   15 import matplotlib as mpl
   16 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
   17 #
   18 # Generally scipy is not imported as module because interesting functions in scipy are actually located in the submodules, so submodules or single functions are imported
   19 # from [package] import [module] as [alias]
   20 from scipy import fftpack
   21 from scipy import integrate
    1 import numpy as np # Here, we grab all of the functions and tools from the numpy package and store them in a local variable called np. 
    2 l = [1,2,3,4] # python list
    3 print(l)
    4 l_np = np.array(l)
    5 print(l_np)
    6 print(l*5)    # multiplying a python list replicates it
    7 print(l_np*5) # numpy applies operation elementwise
    8 #
    9 ## 1D array
   10 a1 = np.array([1,2,3,4]) # initialized with a numpy list. Be careful with syntax. The parentheses and brackets are both required
   11 print(a1)
   12 print(a1.shape)  # shape indicates the rank of the array
   13 #
   14 ## Rank 2 array
   15 # row vector
   16 a2 = np.array([[1,2,3,4]])
   17 print(a2)
   18 print(a2.shape)  # shape indicates the rank of the array. this looks more like a row vector
   19 # column vector
   20 a3 = np.array([[1],
   21                [2],
   22                [3],
   23                [4]])
   24 print(a3)
   25 print(a3.shape)  # this looks more like a column vector
    1 import numpy as np
    2 a = np.array([0, 10, 20, 30, 40])
    3 print(a)
    4 print(a[:])
    5 print(a[1:3])
    6 a[1] = 15
    7 print(a)
    8 b = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.5)
    9 print(b)
   10 print(b**2)
   11 1/b
   12 # <input>:1: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
   13 1/b[10]
   14 # <input>:1: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
   15 #
   16 ## Element-wise operations
   17 a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
   18 b = np.array([9, 8, 7])
   19 print(a)
   20 print(a.shape); print(b.shape)
   21 print(a[0]) # Access elements from them just like a list
   22 #
   23 # Element-wise operations. This is different from MATLAB where you add a dot to get element wise operators.
   24 c = a + b
   25 d = a - b
   26 e = a * b
   27 f = a / b
   28 print(c); print(d); print(e); print(f)
    1 import numpy as np
    2 # What about multi-dimensional arrays? Matrices! You just nest lists within lists
    3 A = np.array([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6],[7, 8, 9]]); print(A)
    4 # [[1 2 3]
    5 #  [4 5 6]
    6 #  [7 8 9]]
    7 print(A.shape)
    8 # (3, 3)
    9 B = np.array([[1, 1, 1],[2, 2, 2],[3, 3, 3]]); print(B)
   10 C = np.matmul(A, B); print(C) # Then matrix multiplication
   11 print(np.linalg.det(A)) # Or determinants
   12 #
   13 import numpy as np
   14 p = np.poly1d([3,4,5])
   15 print(p)
   16 #    2
   17 # 3 x + 4 x + 5
   18 print(p*p)
   19 #    4      3      2
   20 # 9 x + 24 x + 46 x + 40 x + 25
   21 print(p.integ(k=6))
   22 #    3     2
   23 # 1 x + 2 x + 5 x + 6
   24 print(p.deriv())
   25 # 6 x + 4
   26 p([4, 5])
   27 # array([ 69, 100])
    1 ##### SciPy is a scientific computation library in Python #####
    2 # A collection of functions to perform basic scientific programming and data analysis
    3 # Integrate a list of numbers using scipy you might use a function called trapz from the integrate package
    4 import scipy.integrate as integ
    5 # from scipy import integrate as integ
    6 result = integ.trapz([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    7 print(result)
    8 # Integrate sin(x) from 0 to Pi you could use the quad function
    9 import numpy as np
   10 import scipy.integrate as integ
   11 result = integ.quad(np.sin, 0, np.pi)
   12 print(result)
   13 #
   14 ######### Matplotlib #########
   15 # Matplotlib, like many Python packages, is organized into a number of "modules" (essentially subsets of functions). 
   16 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import packages with alias
   17 # from matplotlib  import pyplot as plt
   18 x_vals = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
   19 y_vals = [-4, -2, 0, 2, 4]
   20 print(x_vals,y_vals)
   21 plt.xlabel('abscissa') # add a label to the x axis
   22 plt.ylabel('ordinate') # add a label to the y axis
   23 plt.title('A practice plot') # add a title
   24 plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals, marker="o")
   25 plt.savefig('plot_0.png') # save the figure to the current diretory as a png file
    1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    2 import numpy as np
    3 t = np.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
    4 print(t)
    5 print(t.shape)
    6 print(len(t))
    7 s = 1 + np.sin(2*np.pi*t) # Degree to Radian conversion
    8 print(s)
    9 plt.plot(t, s)
   10 plt.xlabel('Time (s)'); plt.ylabel('Voltage (mV)')
   11 plt.title('Voltage vs Time')
   12 plt.grid(True)
   13 plt.savefig("test.png")
   15 #
   16 # Multiplotting
   17 import numpy as np
   18 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
   19 x1 = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0); x2 = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0)
   20 y1 = np.cos(2*np.pi*x1)*np.exp(-x1); y2 = np.cos(2*np.pi*x2)
   21 plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) # use the subplot function to generate multiple panels within the same plotting window
   22 plt.plot(x1, y1, 'o-')
   23 plt.title(' 2 subplots')
   24 plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation')
   25 plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
   26 plt.plot(x2, y2, '.-')
   27 plt.xlabel('time (s)'); plt.ylabel('Undamped')
    1 # importing all functions from pylab module
    2 from pylab import * # Not the preferred methodology. Means to bring everything in to the top level name space
    3 x = arange(1, 10, 0.5); print(x)
    4 xsquare = x**2; print(xsquare)
    5 xcube = x**3; print(xcube)
    6 xsquareroot = x**0.5; print(xsquareroot)
    7 figure(1)          # open figure 1
    8 plot(x, xsquare)   # basic plot
    9 xlabel('abscissa') # add a label to the x axis
   10 ylabel('ordinate') # add a label to the y axis
   11 title('A practice plot') # add a title
   12 savefig('plot_1.png') # save the figure to the current diretory
   13 figure(2)          # open a second figure
   14 plot(x, xsquare,'ro',x,xcube,'g+--') # Two plots. Red circles with no line. Green plus signs joined by a dashed curve
   15 xlabel('abscissa') # x and y labels, title
   16 ylabel('ordinate') # x and y labels, title
   17 title('More practice') # x and y labels, title
   18 legend(('squared', 'cubed')) # add a legend
   19 savefig('plot_2.png') # save the figure
   20 figure(3)          # open a third figure
   21 subplot(3,1,1); plot(x,xsquareroot,'k*:')# Black stars+dotted line
   22 title('square roots') # add a title
   23 subplot(3,1,2); plot(x, xsquare,'r>-') # Red triangles+dashed line
   24 title('squares') # add a title
   25 subplot(3,1,3); plot(x, xcube,'mh-') # Magenta hexagons+solid line
   26 title('cubes') # add a title
   27 savefig('plot_3.png') # save the figure
   28 show()
    1 ######### How to find documentation #########
    2 # The dir(module) function can be used to look at the namespace of a module or package, i.e. to find out names that are defined inside the module
    3 # The help(function) function is available for each module/object and allows to know the documentation for each module or function
    4 #
    5 import math
    6 dir()
    7 dir(math.acos)
    8 help(math.acos)
    9 import matplotlib.pyplot
   10 dir(matplotlib.pyplot)
Some links to study python.