Interval Halving (Bisection)

Image 1-2b

Image 1-2c
The root is (almost) never known exactly, since it is extremely unlikely that a numerical procedure will find the precise value of $x$ that makes $f(x)$ exactly zero in floating-point arithmetic.

  • The main advantage of interval halving is that it is guaranteed to work (continuous & bracket).
  • The algorithm must decide how close to the root the guess should be before stopping the search (see Fig.).
  • The major objection of interval halving has been that it is slow to converge.
Figure 3.4: The stopping criterion for a root-finding procedure should involve a tolerance on $x$, as well as a tolerance on $f(x)$.
Image 1-8
Bisection is generally recommended for finding an approximate value for the root, and then this value is refined by more efficient methods.