- The Legendre polynomials
, sometimes called Legendre functions of the first kind, Legendre coefficients, or zonal harmonics are solutions to the Legendre differential equation.
- The Legendre polynomials satisfy the second-order differential equation.
- This equation has two regular singular points
where the leading coefficient
- Solutions of Legendre equations are Legendre polynomials
- Think of
as a function of a single variable h (
) and expand as a Taylor expansion in powers of h
- Restore the x-dependence of the generating function. This doesn't change the general appearance of the Taylor expansion but written as partial derivatives instead of total derivatives.
- Right hand side of this equation is the formal definition of the Legendre polynomials. They are identified as the coefficients in the Taylor expansion of the generating function about
- Let us use this equation to calculate the first few polynomials.
- For
we are instructed to take no derivatives, and to evaluate the generating function at
. This gives
; the zeroth polynomial is actually a constant.
- Moving on to
, we must differentiate
once with respect to h. Evaluating this at
and dividing by
- For
we differentiate
twice. Evaluating this at
and dividing by
. We can just keep going like this, and generate any number of polynomials.
- When
is even,
contains only even powers of x, starting with
and ending with
- When
is odd,
contains only odd powers of x, starting with
and ending with
is an even function of
is even, and an odd function of
is odd.
- The first few Legendre polynomials are given by
- Recursion relation:
Example py-file: The program to find first 6 Legendre polynomials:
Figure 5.16:
First 6 Legendre Polynomials
with Recursion Relation:
Figure 5.17:
Plot of first 6