Numerical Techniques:
Differential E quations -
Legendre Polynomials
& Hermite Polynomials
Dr. Cem Özdo
Special Functions
Legendre Polynomials
Hermite Polynomials
Quantum Harmonic
Special Functions
In the br oad sense, a set of several classes of functions
that arise in the solution of both theoretical and applied
problems in various branches.
In the narrow sense, the special functions of mathematical
physics, which aris e when solving PDEs by the method of
separation of variables.
Special functions can be defined by means of power
series, generating functions, infinite products, repeated
differentiation, integral representations, differential,
difference, integral, and functional equations, trigonometric
series, or other series in orthogonal functions.
For example, in solving the equations of heat flow or wave
propagation in cylindrical coordinates, the method of
separation of variables leads to Bessel’s differential
equation, a solution of which is the Bessel function,
denoted by J