Numerical Techniques:
Solving Sets of
Equations - Linear
Algebra and Matrix
Computing I
Dr. Cem Özdo
Solving Sets of
Matrices and Vectors
Some Special Matrices
and Their Properties
Elimination Methods
Gaussian Elimination
Kirchhoff’s Rules
Some Special Matrices and Their Properties II
Sparse matrix. In some important applied problems, only
a few of the elements are nonzero.
Such a matrix is termed a sparse matrix and procedures
that take advantage of this sparseness are of value.
Division of matrices is not defined, but we will discuss the
inverse of a matrix.
The determinant of a square matrix is a number.
The method of calculating determinants is a lot of work if the
matrix is of large size.
Methods that triangularize a matrix, as described in next
section, are much better ways to get the determinant.
If a matrix, B, is tr iangular (either upper or lower), its
determinant is just the product of the diagonal elements:
det(B) = ΠB
, i = 1, . . . , n
4 0 0
6 −2 0
1 −3 5
= −40
If we have a square matrix and
the coefficients of the
determinant are nonzero
, there
is a unique solution.