- Left: Required. Right: Recommended.
- Stem weight data. (o: the with nitrogen data. x: the without nitrogen data.
- Fundamental relationship between probability and inferential statistics.
- The Cycle of Statistical Procedure.
- Corrosion results for Example 1.3.
- Sample mean as a centroid of the ``with nitrogen'' stem weight.
- Different data sets. Difference in the means is roughly the same.
- Plot of tensile strength and cotton percentages.
- Table of Car Battery Life (in years).
- Relative frequency histogram.
- Estimating frequency distribution.
- Skewness of data.
- Tree diagram for Example 2.2.
- Tree diagram for Example 2.3.
- Events represented by various regions.
- Tree diagram for Example 2.14.
- Additive rule of probability.
- Tree diagram for Example 2.36.
- An electrical system for Example 2.38.
- Venn diagram for the events
, and
- Tree diagram for the data.
- Partitioning the sample space S.
- Tree diagram for Example 2.41.
- Bar chart and probability histogram
- Discrete cumulative distribution.
- Typical density functions.
- Continuous cumulative distribution function.
- Distributions with equal means and unequal dispersions.
- Variability of continuous observations about the mean.
- Variability of discrete observations about the: mean.
- Histogram for the tossing of a die.
- Binomial Probability Sums
- Poisson Probability Sums
- Poisson density functions for different means.
- The density function for a random variable on the interval
- The normal curve.
- Normal curves with
- Normal curves with
- Normal curves with
: area of the shaded region.
for different normal curves.
- The original and transformed normal distributions.
- Areas for Example 6.2.
- Areas for Example 6.3.
- Area for Example 6.4.
- Area for Example 6.5.
- Areas for Example 6.6.
- Area for Example 6.7.
- Area for Example 6.8.
- Area for Example 6.9.
- Specifications for Example 6.10.
- Area for Example 6.11.
- Area for Example 6.13.
- Normal approximation of
- Normal approximation of
- Histogram for
- Histogram for
- Area for Example 6.15.
- Area for Example 6.16.
- Gamma Distributions.
- Lognormal Distributions.
- Box-and-Whisker plot.
- Box-and-Whisker plot for nicotine data.
- Stem-and-leaf plot for the nicotine data.
- Data for Example 8.4.
- Box-and-whisker plot for thickness of paint can ``ears''.
- Quantile plot for paint data.
- Normal quantile-quantile plot for paint data.
- Data for Example 8.5.
- Standard Normal Quantile,
- Illustration of the central limit theorem (distribution of
, moderate
, and large
- Area for Example 8.6.
- Area for Example 8.7.
- Area for Example 8.8.
- Area for Example 8.9.
- The chi-squared distribution.
- The
-distribution curves for
, and
- Symmetry property of the
- The
-values for Example 8.13.
- Typical F-distributions.
- Illustration of the
for the
- Data from three distinct samples.
- Data that easily could have come from the same population.
Cem Ozdogan