- Some useful properties that will simplify the calculations of means and variances of random variables.
- These properties will permit us to deal with expectations in terms of other parameters that are either known or are easily computed.
- Theorem 4.5:
- Corollary 4.1:
- Corollary 4.2:
- Example 4.16: Applying Theorem 4.5 to the continuous random variable
, the density function of
is as follows.
- Solution:
- Theorem 4.6:
- Theorem 4.9:
- Corollary 4.6:
- The variance is unchanged if a constant is added to or subtracted from a random variable.
- The addition or subtraction of a constant simply shifts the values of
to the right/left but does not change their variability.
- Corollary 4.7:
- The variance is multiplied or divided by the square of the constant.
- Theorem 4.10:
- Corollary 4.8: If
are independent random variables, then
- Corollary 4.9: If
are independent random variables, then
- Corollary 4.10: If
are independent random variables, then
- Example 4.20:
are random variables with variances
, and covariance
- Find the variance of the random variable
- Solution:
- Example 4.21: Let
denote the amount of two different types of impurities in a batch of a certain chemical product.
- Suppose that
are independent random variables with variances
- Find the variance of the random variable
- Solution:
Cem Ozdogan