- Statistical inference is concerned with generalizations and predictions.
- Based on the opinions of several people interviewed on the street, that in a forthcoming election 60% of the eligible voters in the city of Detroit favour a certain candidate.
- If we repeat the sampling, we would expect to obtain a different value for the sample mean.
- Therefore, like other random variables, the sample mean
, possesses a probability distribution, which is more commonly called the sampling distribution of
- Question: A company manufactures 100 Ohms resistors. A sample of 40 resistors from the assembly line is found to have a mean of 105 Ohms.
- How likely is the population mean (the mean of the probability density function) to be 100 Ohms?
- Answer: In questions like this, we need to make inferences about the population mean based on the sample mean.
- To do this, we need to know the probability distribution of the sample mean.
- Definition 8.10:
- Sampling Error: The difference between the sample statistic and the value of the corresponding population parameter.
- For the sample mean, the sampling error
. This is controllable by taking more
- Nonsampling Error: Human error. The error occurs while we collect, record or tabulate the data.
- The sampling distribution of a statistic depends on
- the size of the population,
- the size of the samples,
- the method of choosing the samples.
Cem Ozdogan