Ceng 375 Numerical Computing
Nov 10, 2010 14.40-16.30
Good Luck!

  1. (10 pts) A three digit, decimal machine which rounds all intermediate calculations, calculates the value of

f(x) = x^2-6x + 8~ for~ x = 1.99~as~\overline{f}(1.99) = 0.0600

    What are the forward and backward errors error associated with this calculation?

  2. (10 pts) Derive the Newton's method formula using a Taylor series of $f(x)$.
  3. (20 pts) Use Muller's method to find the root of

f(x) = x^3 - x -2

    Figure 1: Plot of the function, $x^3-x-2$.

    Start with $x_2=1.0$, $x_0=1.2$, and $x_1=1.4$ and find $x_3$ and $x_4$ (two iterations).
  4. (30 pts) Consider the function:

f(x) = sin(x)-4*x+2

    Figure 2: Plot of the function, $sin(x)-4*x+2$.
    Use two iterations of Newton s method to estimate the root of this function between $x = 0.0$ and $x = 1.0$ (Use four significant figures)
    Estimate the error in your answer to part i (Use more than four significant figures).
    Approximately how many iterations of the bisection method would have been required to achieve the same error of part ii? (Hint: if the value in part ii is negative, take absolute value of it.)
  5. (30 pts) Consider the linear system ($Ax=b$);

1 & 3 & 1 & 1 \\
2 & 5 & 2 &...
6 \\
2 \\
4 \\
3 \\
\end{array} \right]

    Solve this system by Gaussian elimination with pivoting. How many row interchanges are needed?
    What is the value of determinant?
    Obtain the $LU$ decomposition of the system.
    Repeat without any row interchanges (only for the first item). Do you get the same results? Why?

Cem Ozdogan 2011-09-28