Ceng 375 Numerical Computing
Nov 14, 2011 15.40-17.30
Good Luck!

  1. (30 pts) Consider the difference approximation for derivative of a function;


    where $f_n$ means $f(x)$ and $f_{n+1}$ means $f(x+h)$
    (15 pts) Use this formula to approximate the derivative of $f(x) = cos(x)$ at $x = 0$ using step sizes of $h = 0.10$ and $h = 0.20$.
    (15 pts) Make an error analysis by finding the difference with the exact value at each step size, $h$ . Estimate the order of error $(O(h^?))$ by the ratio of these errors.
    i) For $f(x) = cos(x)$, we then have:

h = 0.2 : f'(0)= \frac{-cos(2(0.2)) + 4 cos(0.2)-3cos(0)}{2(0.2)}

    >> a=(-1*cos(0.4)+4*cos(0.2)-3*cos(0))/0.4
    a =  -0.0020

h = 0.1 : f'(0)= \frac{-cos(2(0.1)) + 4 cos(0.1) -3cos(0)}{2(0.1)}

    >> b=(-1*cos(0.2)+4*cos(0.1)-3*cos(0))/0.2
    b =  -2.4958e-04
    ii) The exact value is: $f'(0) = sin(0) = 0$. Since we know the actual value, then the actual errors are:

h = 0.2 : Error(0.2) = (0)-(-0.0020)= 0.0020

h = 0.1 : Error(0.1) = (0)-(-2.4958e-04) = 2.4958e-04

    The ratio of these errors is:

\frac{Error(0.2)}{Error(0.1)}=\frac{0.0020}{2.4958e-04}= 7.9601

    Cutting the step size in half should reduce the error by a factor of 8. In this case, the reduction is by a factor of 7.9601, which is considering round-off, acceptably close to 8. Therefore we expect the error to be $O(h^4)$.
  2. (30 pts) Consider the solution to $f(x) = 0.5$ where $f(x) = x^3$. Choosing initial guesses of $x_a = 0$ and $x_b = 1$,
    (5 pts) Describe the general working of a bracketing method. What are the assumptions for this family of methods? Are these assumptions satisfied for $f(x)$?
    • The function $f(x)$ changes signs at the two x-values and, if $f(x)$ is continuous, there must be at least one root between the values.
    • The test to see that $f(x)$ does change sign between points $a$ and $b$ is to see if $f(a)*f(b) < 0$
      >> syms x;
      >> fx='sqrt(x)-cos(x)'
      fx = sqrt(x)-cos(x)
      >> subs(fx,0.0)
      ans =    -1
      >> subs(fx,1.0)
      ans =   0.45969769413186
    (10 pts) Write down an expression to show how the error $\varepsilon_n$ in the bisection method decreases with subsequent iterations. Find the required number of iterations when the error after $n$ iterations is $10^{-4}$
    (15 pts) Using the bisection method, determine the solution to four decimal places by filling the table below. Does the number of iterations this took agree with the predicted number in previous item?
    i $x_1$ $x_2$ $x_3$ $f(x_3)$ $ \mid x_3$- $x_{exact} \mid$
    1 0.00000 1.00000 0.50000 0.12500 0.29370
    2 0.50000 1.00000 0.75000 0.42188 0.04370
    3 0.75000 1.00000 0.87500 0.66992 0.08130
    4 0.75000 0.87500 0.81250 0.53638 0.01880
    5 0.75000 0.81250 0.78125 0.47840 0.01245
    It is said an expression, not an explanation of formalism or methodology;

error~after~n~iterations<\left\vert\frac{(b-a)}{2^n} \right\vert

    where $b-a$ is the interval ends and $n$ is the number of iterations. In the second part, it is given that ``determine the solution to four decimal places" so;

error~after~n~iterations=10^{-4}\leq \left\vert\frac{(1-0)}{2^n} \right\vert

10^4=2^n \rightarrow ln(10^4)=ln(2^n) \rightarrow ln(10^4)=n \rightarrow n=13.288 \rightarrow n\simeq13

    The exact $x$ value can be found as $0.5^{1/3}=0.79370=x_{exact}$;
    i $x_1$ $x_2$ $x_3$ $f(x_3)$ $ \mid x_3$- $x_{exact} \mid$
    1 0 1 0.5 0.12500 0.29370
    2 0.5 1 0.75 0.42188 0.04370
    3 0.75 1 0.875 0.66992 0.08130
    4 0.75 0.875 0.8125 0.53638 0.01880
    5 0.75 0.8125 0.78125 0.4784 0.01245
    6 0.78125 0.8125 0.79688 0.50602 0.00318
    7 0.78125 0.79688 0.789078 0.49130 0.00463
    8 0.78907 0.79688 0.79298 0.49164 0.00072
    9 0.79298 0.79688 0.79493 0.50233 0.00123
    10 0.79298 0.79493 0.79396 0.50049 0.00026
    11 0.79298 0.79396 0.79347 0.49956 0.00023
    12 0.79347 0.79396 0.79372 0.50004 0.00002
    The number found by the expression above is $n\leq13$, so the number of iterations took agree with the predicted number.
  3. (25 pts) Consider the function $f(x)$, on $[0, 1]$, defined by

f(x) = \sqrt{x}-cos(x)

    (10 pts) Describe how the secant method determine a smaller sub-interval containing a root.
To determine a root of $f(x)=0$, given two values, $x_0$\ a...
... $x_0=x_1$\\
Set $x_1=x_2$\\
Until $\vert f(x_2)\vert < tolerance~value$\\

    (15 pts) Apply the secant method to $f(x)$ twice.
    >> x0=1.0;
    >> x1=0.0;
    >> syms x;
    >> subs(fx,x0)
    ans = 0.45969769413186
    >> subs(fx,x1)
    ans =    -1
    >> x2=x1-subs(fx,x1)*((x0-x1)/(subs(fx,x0)-subs(fx,x1)))
    x2 = 0.68507335732605
    >> x0=x1
    x0 =   0
    >> x1=x2
    x1 =   0.68507335732605
    >> x2=x1-subs(fx,x1)*((x0-x1)/(subs(fx,x0)-subs(fx,x1)))
    x2 =   0.65039498012836
    >> solve('sqrt(x)-cos(x)')
    ans = .64171437087288265839856530031652
  4. (25 pts) Find the $LU$ factorization of

1 & 3 & 1 & 1 \\
2 & 5 & 2 & 2 \\
-1 &-3 &-3 & 5 \\
1 & 3 & 2 & 2 \\
\end{array} \right]

    by Gaussian elimination (without pivoting). Clearly show how you get the entries of $L$ and $U$.

1 & 3 & 1 & 1 \\
2 & 5 & 2 & 2...
0 & 0 & -2 & 6 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\
\end{array} \right],

R_4-(1/-2)R_3 \rightarrow \...
0 & 0 & -2 & 6 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 4 \\
\end{array} \right]

1 & 3 & 1 & 1 \\
0 & -1 & 0 ...
-1 & -3 & -3 & 5 \\
1 & 3 & 2 & 2 \\
\end{array} \right]

    >> L=[1 0 0 0 ; 2 1 0 0; -1 0 1 0; 1 0 -0.5 1]
    L =
       1.00000000000000                  0                  0                  0
       2.00000000000000   1.00000000000000                  0                  0
      -1.00000000000000                  0   1.00000000000000                  0
       1.00000000000000                  0  -0.50000000000000   1.00000000000000
    >> U=[1 3 1 1; 0 -1 0 0; 0 0 -2 6; 0 0 0 4]
    U =
         1     3     1     1
         0    -1     0     0
         0     0    -2     6
         0     0     0     4
    >> L*U
    ans =
         1     3     1     1
         2     5     2     2
        -1    -3    -3     5
         1     3     2     2

Cem Ozdogan 2013-12-02