Çankaya University
Mcs 331 Numerical Methods
Final Examination
Dec 31, 2014 09.30 - 11.30
Good Luck!

DURATION: 120 minutes
$\diamond$ Answer all the questions.
$\diamond$ Write the solutions explicitly and clearly.
Use the numerical terminology.
$\diamond$ You are allowed to use Formulae Sheet.
$\diamond$ Calculator is allowed.
$\diamond$ You are not allowed to use any other
electronic equipment in the exam.
$\diamond$ I declare hereby that I fulfilled the requirements
for the attendance according to the University
regulations and I accept that my examination
will not be valid otherwise.
Question Grade    Out of
1   15
2   10
3   15
4   20
5   20
6   20
7   20
TOTAL   120

  1. Answer the following questions, choose only 4 of them.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of numerical analysis?
    Describe the general working of a bracketing method. What are the assumptions for this family of methods?
    Describe truncation and round-off errors. Give example.
    Describe the concept of ill-condition. Give an example.
    What does singularity mean for a matrix? Make a comparison of singular and nonsingular matrices.
    What information can be obtained from the condition number of a matrix?
    What are the differences between the interpolation and curve fitting?
  2. Consider the matrix

3 &-1 &2\\
1 & 1 &3\\
-3 & 0 &5\\
\end{array} \right]

    Get the inverse of the matrix through either Gaussian elimination or Gauss-Jordan method.
    Check your result: $AA^{-1}=I$
  3. For the given data points;

x & y \\ \hline
1 & 1.06 \\
2 & 1.12 \\
3 & 1.34 \\
5 & 1.78 \\

    construct the divided-difference table.
    interpolate for $x=4$.
    extrapolate for $x=5.5$.
  4. A material is tested for cyclic fatigue failure whereby a stress (S), in MPa, is applied to the material and the number of cycles (N) needed to cause failure is measured. The results are in the table below.

    X Y
    Cycles (N) Stress (S)
    1 1100
    10 1000
    100 925
    1000 800
    10000 625
    100000 550
    1000000 420
    When a log-log plot of stress versus cycles is generated, the data trend shows a linear relationship; $Y'=aX'+b$. Use least-squares method to determine a best-fit equation for this data. Hints:
    Start by taking logarithms of the data.
    Construct the normal equations.
    Find the values $a$ and $b$.
    Determine the best-fit equation for $Y(X)$.

  5. Write the expression to economize the the Maclaurin series for $e^{2x}$ with the precision 0.08 by using Chebyshev polynomials. Do not perform the calculation.
  6. Use the Fourier series to approximate the square wave function (see Figure).

% latex2html id marker 112
...sion for this function up to $2^{nd}$\ term.

  7. If the velocity distribution of a fluid flowing through a pipe is known (see Figure), the flow rate $Q$ (that is, the volume of water passing through the pipe per unit time) can be computed by $Q=\int \upsilon dA$, where $\upsilon$ is the velocity and $A$ is the pipe's cross-sectional area. For a circular pipe, $A = \pi r^2$ and $dA = 2\pi r dr$. Therefore, $Q=\int_0^r \upsilon (2\pi r) dr$, where $r$ is the radial distance measured outward from the center of the pipe.

...te $Q$\ using the \textit{Composite Trapezoidal Rule}.

    $r_i$ $q_i$
    0.0000 0.0000
    First fill the table within the four digit accuracy.
    Approximate the integral with a step size of $h = 0.5$.
    Approximate the integral with a step size of $h = 1.0$.
    Estimate the error in your answers;
    • Exact value of the integral is 44.7419. Find the errors for parts ii and iii.
    • Also use the global error formula to find the errors for parts ii and iii.
    • Analyze and compare these error values.

Cem Ozdogan 2015-02-11