Usage Statistics for siber

Summary Period: October 2009
Generated 14-Mar-2014 12:38 EET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2009
Total Hits 2951352
Total Files 2479308
Total Pages 1563048
Total Visits 423870
Total KBytes 79183980
Total Unique Sites 3582
Total Unique URLs 438854
Total Unique Referrers 112500
Total Unique User Agents 1405
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 3966 13660
Hits per Day 95204 207785
Files per Day 79977 167948
Pages per Day 50420 129812
Sites per Day 115 285
Visits per Day 13673 38074
KBytes per Day 2554322 5802889
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.01% 172
Code 200 - OK 84.01% 2479308
Code 204 - No Content 0.01% 313
Code 205 - Reset Content 0.00% 76
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.26% 7732
Code 300 - Multiple Choices 0.00% 51
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1.71% 50339
Code 302 - Found 5.12% 151073
Code 303 - See Other 0.08% 2484
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.20% 35290
Code 307 - Moved Temporarily 0.00% 146
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.22% 6434
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.07% 2012
Code 402 - Payment Required 0.00% 2
Code 403 - Forbidden 1.00% 29597
Code 404 - Not Found 3.05% 90117
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.15% 4554
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.01% 160
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.00% 98
Code 409 - Conflict 0.00% 1
Code 410 - Gone 0.01% 282
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 0.00% 88
Code 413 - Request Entity Too Large 0.00% 5
Code 414 - Request-URI Too Long 0.00% 11
Code 415 - Unsupported Media Type 0.00% 21
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.00% 6
Code 417 - Expectation Failed 0.00% 30
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.90% 26463
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.00% 102
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 1.07% 31574
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.67% 19709
Code 504 - Gateway Timeout 0.44% 13102

Daily usage for October 2009

Daily Statistics for October 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 204388 6.93% 167948 6.77% 116975 7.48% 33379 7.87% 184 5.14% 5802889 7.33%
2 207785 7.04% 163898 6.61% 129812 8.31% 37863 8.93% 134 3.74% 5795987 7.32%
3 187486 6.35% 147419 5.95% 122124 7.81% 38074 8.98% 125 3.49% 4939675 6.24%
4 189903 6.43% 150136 6.06% 110631 7.08% 32963 7.78% 145 4.05% 4992123 6.30%
5 102263 3.46% 84168 3.39% 54365 3.48% 14909 3.52% 206 5.75% 2886363 3.65%
6 93477 3.17% 75486 3.04% 58300 3.73% 20229 4.77% 204 5.70% 3233241 4.08%
7 94157 3.19% 80326 3.24% 54527 3.49% 18089 4.27% 184 5.14% 2986947 3.77%
8 63936 2.17% 56094 2.26% 27615 1.77% 7890 1.86% 196 5.47% 1602113 2.02%
9 69857 2.37% 60584 2.44% 31184 2.00% 9250 2.18% 160 4.47% 1435082 1.81%
10 87946 2.98% 73890 2.98% 44810 2.87% 12188 2.88% 166 4.63% 2240983 2.83%
11 93576 3.17% 79456 3.20% 46154 2.95% 12924 3.05% 179 5.00% 2402277 3.03%
12 155010 5.25% 128352 5.18% 85089 5.44% 23526 5.55% 208 5.81% 3706639 4.68%
13 77541 2.63% 65980 2.66% 35834 2.29% 9283 2.19% 230 6.42% 2013253 2.54%
14 79896 2.71% 65763 2.65% 44256 2.83% 13462 3.18% 192 5.36% 2212503 2.79%
15 62649 2.12% 49253 1.99% 31192 2.00% 7904 1.86% 215 6.00% 1628928 2.06%
16 64206 2.18% 53993 2.18% 31568 2.02% 8332 1.97% 162 4.52% 1647278 2.08%
17 31684 1.07% 27633 1.11% 9041 0.58% 953 0.22% 213 5.95% 692961 0.88%
18 34432 1.17% 28402 1.15% 12728 0.81% 2126 0.50% 166 4.63% 765876 0.97%
19 38531 1.31% 32559 1.31% 12040 0.77% 2190 0.52% 257 7.17% 1366468 1.73%
20 48889 1.66% 42423 1.71% 17549 1.12% 3386 0.80% 249 6.95% 805948 1.02%
21 132526 4.49% 115498 4.66% 58701 3.76% 10901 2.57% 282 7.87% 3060953 3.87%
22 106238 3.60% 88966 3.59% 58091 3.72% 16791 3.96% 244 6.81% 3060736 3.87%
23 93111 3.15% 81727 3.30% 42188 2.70% 9939 2.34% 174 4.86% 2024131 2.56%
24 90846 3.08% 79012 3.19% 40224 2.57% 6981 1.65% 193 5.39% 1983835 2.51%
25 55011 1.86% 48653 1.96% 17165 1.10% 1481 0.35% 218 6.09% 1047663 1.32%
26 30984 1.05% 26849 1.08% 7405 0.47% 1031 0.24% 285 7.96% 1574591 1.99%
27 32894 1.11% 28554 1.15% 14124 0.90% 3447 0.81% 237 6.62% 758603 0.96%
28 85633 2.90% 73799 2.98% 45038 2.88% 12960 3.06% 161 4.49% 2341274 2.96%
29 104749 3.55% 91503 3.69% 52944 3.39% 7717 1.82% 197 5.50% 2682112 3.39%
30 101975 3.46% 94367 3.81% 67580 4.32% 20575 4.85% 224 6.25% 3092191 3.91%
31 129773 4.40% 116617 4.70% 83794 5.36% 23300 5.50% 201 5.61% 4400357 5.56%

Hourly usage for October 2009

Hourly Statistics for October 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 4305 133455 4.52% 3561 110408 4.45% 2290 70999 4.54% 122635 3801694 4.80%
1 4150 128670 4.36% 3454 107078 4.32% 2300 71326 4.56% 121441 3764660 4.75%
2 4241 131494 4.46% 3465 107430 4.33% 2440 75656 4.84% 114244 3541573 4.47%
3 4226 131021 4.44% 3523 109223 4.41% 2382 73852 4.72% 129073 4001255 5.05%
4 4494 139328 4.72% 3761 116619 4.70% 2549 79041 5.06% 141359 4382125 5.53%
5 4355 135035 4.58% 3670 113770 4.59% 2516 78005 4.99% 125006 3875187 4.89%
6 4073 126282 4.28% 3424 106155 4.28% 2332 72303 4.63% 115694 3586517 4.53%
7 4138 128302 4.35% 3469 107567 4.34% 2331 72271 4.62% 119029 3689906 4.66%
8 3872 120059 4.07% 3230 100156 4.04% 2138 66292 4.24% 117879 3654246 4.61%
9 3876 120157 4.07% 3279 101673 4.10% 2004 62134 3.98% 108433 3361429 4.25%
10 3991 123749 4.19% 3417 105955 4.27% 1889 58587 3.75% 98343 3048644 3.85%
11 3859 119648 4.05% 3322 102994 4.15% 1689 52389 3.35% 93178 2888511 3.65%
12 4089 126769 4.30% 3535 109603 4.42% 1871 58016 3.71% 91834 2846847 3.60%
13 4328 134181 4.55% 3729 115619 4.66% 2049 63528 4.06% 102225 3168962 4.00%
14 3828 118668 4.02% 3276 101574 4.10% 1864 57785 3.70% 85574 2652794 3.35%
15 3585 111151 3.77% 3053 94656 3.82% 1751 54294 3.47% 84025 2604763 3.29%
16 3865 119818 4.06% 3264 101206 4.08% 1974 61202 3.92% 93147 2887552 3.65%
17 3788 117429 3.98% 3213 99627 4.02% 1945 60296 3.86% 97291 3016013 3.81%
18 3898 120839 4.09% 3177 98507 3.97% 2244 69573 4.45% 110834 3435845 4.34%
19 3601 111658 3.78% 2983 92499 3.73% 2026 62806 4.02% 105188 3260836 4.12%
20 3664 113597 3.85% 3042 94317 3.80% 2065 64026 4.10% 102796 3186689 4.02%
21 3583 111090 3.76% 2988 92656 3.74% 1928 59782 3.82% 94197 2920118 3.69%
22 3627 112447 3.81% 3006 93215 3.76% 1842 57110 3.65% 86703 2687806 3.39%
23 3758 116505 3.95% 3122 96801 3.90% 1992 61775 3.95% 94194 2920008 3.69%

Top 30 of 438854 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 577513 19.57% 4189572 5.29% /boron/graph.php
2 346451 11.74% 8386087 10.59% /
3 23163 0.78% 1000295 1.26% /search
4 22399 0.76% 683916 0.86% /NumericalComputations/Fall2004/week7l/week7l.pdf
5 17143 0.58% 566215 0.72% /discuss/duboard.php
6 15633 0.53% 51497 0.07% /boron/
7 13686 0.46% 217 0.00% /boron/styles.css
8 13594 0.46% 3521 0.00% /boron/addons/job_monarch/image.php
9 13533 0.46% 25773 0.03% /boron/pie.php
10 12426 0.42% 21088 0.03% /NumericalComputations/Fall2004/week3l/
11 11913 0.40% 10481 0.01% /pp/set-cookie.php
12 9026 0.31% 133732 0.17% /bbs/del_comment.php
13 6232 0.21% 271111 0.34% /blog/
14 5980 0.20% 81348 0.10% /bbs/light.cgi
15 5644 0.19% 204337 0.26% /guestbook.php
16 5202 0.18% 87599 0.11% /login.php
17 5197 0.18% 5969 0.01% /proxy.php
18 4829 0.16% 150977 0.19% /web/results
19 4823 0.16% 119295 0.15% /becommunity/community/
20 4176 0.14% 115599 0.15% /r.php
21 3955 0.13% 115725 0.15% /default.asp
22 3808 0.13% 48487 0.06% /hpgen/KEIJ/light.cgi
23 3476 0.12% 158622 0.20% /forum/
24 3408 0.12% 123067 0.16% /search.php
25 2736 0.09% 3414 0.00% /a-poster/proxy.php
26 2642 0.09% 171930 0.22% /shop/shopbrand.html
27 2443 0.08% 64661 0.08% /wellpages
28 2414 0.08% 98351 0.12% /news.php
29 2366 0.08% 61059 0.08% /register/
30 2306 0.08% 38943 0.05% /login

Top 10 of 438854 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 346451 11.74% 8386087 10.59% /
2 577513 19.57% 4189572 5.29% /boron/graph.php
3 23163 0.78% 1000295 1.26% /search
4 474 0.02% 757647 0.96% /AdvancedProgramming/summer2004/tutorial/Addison Wesley - C++ Primer (3rd edition).pdf
5 22399 0.76% 683916 0.86% /NumericalComputations/Fall2004/week7l/week7l.pdf
6 17143 0.58% 566215 0.72% /discuss/duboard.php
7 721 0.02% 490964 0.62% /NumericalComputations/week1/week1p.pdf
8 609 0.02% 490317 0.62% /NumericalComputations/week3/week3p.pdf
9 97 0.00% 407689 0.51% /OperatingSystems/tutorial/PointerFunC.avi
10 612 0.02% 350414 0.44% /NumericalComputations/week2/week2p.pdf

Top 10 of 147544 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 346451 11.74% 70585 17.45% /
2 23163 0.78% 4282 1.06% /search
3 6232 0.21% 2249 0.56% /blog/
4 2642 0.09% 1483 0.37% /shop/shopbrand.html
5 1331 0.05% 1415 0.35% /search.cgi
6 5980 0.20% 1336 0.33% /bbs/light.cgi
7 3476 0.12% 1271 0.31% /forum/
8 1990 0.07% 1117 0.28% /submit
9 2267 0.08% 1030 0.25% /news/
10 1612 0.05% 922 0.23% /blog-date-200909.html

Top 10 of 120885 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 346451 11.74% 65537 18.17% /
2 5980 0.20% 3165 0.88% /bbs/light.cgi
3 23163 0.78% 2595 0.72% /search
4 1990 0.07% 2176 0.60% /submit
5 6232 0.21% 1821 0.50% /blog/
6 105 0.00% 1529 0.42% /post
7 3476 0.12% 1280 0.35% /forum/
8 4823 0.16% 1250 0.35% /becommunity/community/
9 2306 0.08% 1243 0.34% /login
10 115 0.00% 1161 0.32% /submit/

Top 30 of 3582 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1362117 46.15% 1093492 44.10% 47629185 60.15% 293668 69.28%
2 603580 20.45% 476629 19.22% 17723961 22.38% 118735 28.01%
3 339385 11.50% 324523 13.09% 1816019 2.29% 21 0.00%
4 155782 5.28% 155774 6.28% 964 0.00% 22 0.01% ::1
5 113807 3.86% 108888 4.39% 601262 0.76% 34 0.01%
6 69758 2.36% 66654 2.69% 417446 0.53% 113 0.03%
7 68254 2.31% 65187 2.63% 411828 0.52% 127 0.03%
8 46455 1.57% 34365 1.39% 1302355 1.64% 4030 0.95%
9 36635 1.24% 35688 1.44% 779035 0.98% 20 0.00%
10 24126 0.82% 23038 0.93% 130933 0.17% 9 0.00%
11 11989 0.41% 11915 0.48% 10550 0.01% 0 0.00%
12 11099 0.38% 9875 0.40% 715522 0.90% 128 0.03%
13 7250 0.25% 6698 0.27% 530959 0.67% 59 0.01%
14 5829 0.20% 5577 0.22% 31001 0.04% 8 0.00%
15 4014 0.14% 3823 0.15% 24377 0.03% 38 0.01%
16 3747 0.13% 3591 0.14% 19730 0.02% 32 0.01%
17 2903 0.10% 2781 0.11% 15527 0.02% 6 0.00%
18 2809 0.10% 1350 0.05% 98236 0.12% 75 0.02%
19 2033 0.07% 1947 0.08% 53746 0.07% 405 0.10%
20 1857 0.06% 439 0.02% 3558 0.00% 13 0.00%
21 1627 0.06% 1335 0.05% 121028 0.15% 20 0.00%
22 1624 0.06% 1503 0.06% 62821 0.08% 5 0.00%
23 1551 0.05% 1408 0.06% 65398 0.08% 8 0.00%
24 1425 0.05% 658 0.03% 38656 0.05% 48 0.01%
25 1390 0.05% 1303 0.05% 39024 0.05% 3 0.00%
26 1079 0.04% 383 0.02% 20390 0.03% 17 0.00%
27 1072 0.04% 752 0.03% 41203 0.05% 14 0.00%
28 881 0.03% 749 0.03% 65745 0.08% 8 0.00%
29 776 0.03% 589 0.02% 6825 0.01% 7 0.00%
30 744 0.03% 621 0.03% 63699 0.08% 27 0.01%

Top 10 of 3582 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1362117 46.15% 1093492 44.10% 47629185 60.15% 293668 69.28%
2 603580 20.45% 476629 19.22% 17723961 22.38% 118735 28.01%
3 339385 11.50% 324523 13.09% 1816019 2.29% 21 0.00%
4 46455 1.57% 34365 1.39% 1302355 1.64% 4030 0.95%
5 563 0.02% 563 0.02% 901548 1.14% 0 0.00%
6 36635 1.24% 35688 1.44% 779035 0.98% 20 0.00%
7 11099 0.38% 9875 0.40% 715522 0.90% 128 0.03%
8 113807 3.86% 108888 4.39% 601262 0.76% 34 0.01%
9 311 0.01% 195 0.01% 545087 0.69% 10 0.00%
10 7250 0.25% 6698 0.27% 530959 0.67% 59 0.01%

Top 30 of 112500 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1962673 66.50% - (Direct Request)
2 555113 18.81%
3 69446 2.35%
4 36510 1.24%
5 4821 0.16%\\
6 4670 0.16%
7 3151 0.11%
8 2422 0.08%\\
9 2345 0.08%
10 1449 0.05%
11 1221 0.04%
12 1193 0.04%
13 1186 0.04%
14 1174 0.04%
15 1080 0.04%
16 1075 0.04%
17 1048 0.04%
18 924 0.03%
19 908 0.03%
20 880 0.03%
21 866 0.03%
22 840 0.03%
23 835 0.03%
24 764 0.03%
25 758 0.03%
26 754 0.03%
27 752 0.03%
28 745 0.03%
29 719 0.02%
30 643 0.02%

Top 20 of 7688 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 48 0.55% what is viagra\\
2 47 0.53% xlib api
3 42 0.48% neville's method
4 37 0.42% mpi_scatter example
5 36 0.41% getopt_long example
6 33 0.38% shared memory organization
7 27 0.31% mpi_gather example
8 22 0.25% advantages of oop
9 22 0.25% neville method
10 18 0.20% odd even sort mpi
11 18 0.20% xinkexue
12 17 0.19% back substitution matlab
13 17 0.19% shared memory organisation
14 15 0.17% cem özdoğan
15 12 0.14% muller's method example
16 12 0.14% ostrich algorithm
17 11 0.12% x server api
18 11 0.12% x windows api
19 10 0.11% lagrangian polynomials
20 10 0.11% matlab back substitution

Top 15 of 1405 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2011831 68.17% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2 338068 11.45% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061025 Firefox/2.0
3 160992 5.45% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009090217 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.14
4 155752 5.28% Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny3 with Suhosin-Patch mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0 (intern
5 61146 2.07% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090910 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Shiretoko/3.5.3
6 36446 1.23% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)
7 33026 1.12% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091007 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.3
8 19331 0.65% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
9 18299 0.62% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091020 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.3
10 9407 0.32% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090924 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.3
11 8634 0.29% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
12 8474 0.29% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3
13 7243 0.25% User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
14 2517 0.09% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
15 2054 0.07% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; GTB6; CIBA; TheWorld)

Usage by Country for October 2009

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2951352 100.00% 2487040 100.31% 79183980 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23