Usage Statistics for siber

Summary Period: May 2012
Generated 14-Mar-2014 12:53 EET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2012
Total Hits 234578
Total Files 211805
Total Pages 34417
Total Visits 4589
Total KBytes 3919981
Total Unique Sites 3960
Total Unique URLs 9197
Total Unique Referrers 1393
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 1161
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1086 3137
Hits per Day 26064 57336
Files per Day 23533 51179
Pages per Day 3824 8836
Sites per Day 440 1203
Visits per Day 509 1143
KBytes per Day 435553 957082
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 90.29% 211805
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.82% 1929
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 31
Code 304 - Not Modified 2.94% 6888
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.02% 43
Code 404 - Not Found 5.89% 13805
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.03% 77

Daily usage for May 2012

Daily Statistics for May 2012
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 51056 21.77% 46202 21.81% 8836 25.67% 1070 23.32% 1139 28.76% 957082 24.42%
2 57020 24.31% 51179 24.16% 8111 23.57% 1143 24.91% 1203 30.38% 873501 22.28%
3 57336 24.44% 51099 24.13% 8285 24.07% 1054 22.97% 1042 26.31% 898957 22.93%
4 48770 20.79% 44990 21.24% 6050 17.58% 984 21.44% 924 23.33% 841801 21.47%
5 9378 4.00% 8620 4.07% 837 2.43% 131 2.85% 140 3.54% 153158 3.91%
6 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
7 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
8 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
9 11018 4.70% 9715 4.59% 2298 6.68% 236 5.14% 260 6.57% 195484 4.99%

Hourly usage for May 2012

Hourly Statistics for May 2012
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1356 12212 5.21% 1233 11100 5.24% 183 1653 4.80% 25375 228373 5.83%
1 1048 9440 4.02% 964 8681 4.10% 128 1160 3.37% 17798 160178 4.09%
2 932 8388 3.58% 841 7576 3.58% 119 1072 3.11% 16553 148974 3.80%
3 904 8143 3.47% 799 7197 3.40% 127 1144 3.32% 17822 160394 4.09%
4 920 8285 3.53% 828 7452 3.52% 117 1060 3.08% 15700 141299 3.60%
5 849 7641 3.26% 766 6901 3.26% 102 918 2.67% 17754 159784 4.08%
6 809 7283 3.10% 765 6889 3.25% 110 994 2.89% 15127 136139 3.47%
7 1084 9756 4.16% 957 8617 4.07% 155 1396 4.06% 23001 207013 5.28%
8 1095 9860 4.20% 996 8965 4.23% 199 1794 5.21% 21441 192967 4.92%
9 1118 10063 4.29% 998 8988 4.24% 218 1963 5.70% 19562 176061 4.49%
10 1454 13087 5.58% 1337 12035 5.68% 248 2240 6.51% 22687 204183 5.21%
11 1423 12813 5.46% 1248 11232 5.30% 204 1837 5.34% 18770 168930 4.31%
12 1154 10392 4.43% 1057 9515 4.49% 164 1476 4.29% 17485 157363 4.01%
13 1215 10939 4.66% 1118 10062 4.75% 189 1706 4.96% 18951 170560 4.35%
14 1032 9290 3.96% 952 8569 4.05% 154 1393 4.05% 14660 131936 3.37%
15 879 7919 3.38% 789 7103 3.35% 133 1204 3.50% 12938 116440 2.97%
16 1201 10811 4.61% 1050 9455 4.46% 160 1444 4.20% 21895 197055 5.03%
17 1200 10800 4.60% 1088 9795 4.62% 187 1686 4.90% 21150 190349 4.86%
18 1080 9726 4.15% 974 8771 4.14% 155 1396 4.06% 14666 131992 3.37%
19 963 8673 3.70% 881 7936 3.75% 121 1091 3.17% 12744 114699 2.93%
20 1056 9509 4.05% 934 8406 3.97% 170 1536 4.46% 20455 184091 4.70%
21 986 8876 3.78% 883 7948 3.75% 165 1489 4.33% 15255 137291 3.50%
22 1094 9847 4.20% 982 8838 4.17% 144 1302 3.78% 15790 142109 3.63%
23 1202 10825 4.61% 1086 9774 4.61% 162 1463 4.25% 17978 161800 4.13%

Top 30 of 9197 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 135838 57.91% 2694523 68.74% /boron-ganglia/graph.php
2 12167 5.19% 1848 0.05% /
3 8159 3.48% 19886 0.51% /boron-ganglia/
4 2047 0.87% 2074 0.05% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/ceng328.css
5 1272 0.54% 280088 7.15% /ozdogan/AdvancedProgramming/fall2004/tutorial/Addison Wesley - More Effective C++.pdf
6 600 0.26% 41 0.00% /boron-ganglia/styles.css
7 594 0.25% 686 0.02% /boron-ganglia/pie.php
8 593 0.25% 115 0.00% /boron-ganglia/addons/job_monarch/image.php
9 342 0.15% 915 0.02% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
10 293 0.12% 2652 0.07% /ozdogan/StatisticalComputations/ceng272/ceng272.css
11 269 0.11% 917 0.02% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
12 212 0.09% 2398 0.06% /webalizer/
13 211 0.09% 646 0.02% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
14 168 0.07% 141 0.00% /ozdogan/GraduateParallelComputing.old/ceng505/ceng505.css
15 125 0.05% 205 0.01% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node200.html
16 123 0.05% 567 0.01% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node1.html
17 123 0.05% 194 0.00% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node126.html
18 119 0.05% 120 0.00% /ozdogan/SystemsProgramming/ceng425/ceng425.css
19 108 0.05% 115 0.00% /ozdogan/NumericalComputations/Fall2004/ceng375/ceng375.css
20 104 0.04% 201 0.01% /ozdogan/
21 93 0.04% 224 0.01% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node122.html
22 93 0.04% 345 0.01% /ozdogan/StatisticalComputations/ceng272/node56.html
23 92 0.04% 90 0.00% /OperatingSystems/summer2004/ceng328/ceng328.css
24 89 0.04% 102 0.00% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/ceng328.css
25 83 0.04% 83 0.00% /OperatingSystems/spring2004/ceng328/ceng328.css
26 73 0.03% 53512 1.37% /ozdogan/AdvancedProgramming/fall2004/tutorial/
27 71 0.03% 117 0.00% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node199.html
28 71 0.03% 121 0.00% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node201.html
29 68 0.03% 262 0.01% /siber2010.css
30 66 0.03% 522 0.01% /ozdogan/StatisticalComputations/spring2012/

Top 10 of 9197 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 135838 57.91% 2694523 68.74% /boron-ganglia/graph.php
2 1272 0.54% 280088 7.15% /ozdogan/AdvancedProgramming/fall2004/tutorial/Addison Wesley - More Effective C++.pdf
3 40 0.02% 79653 2.03% /OperatingSystems/spring2004/ceng328.pdf
4 5 0.00% 61099 1.56% /ozdogan/sunum/kng2011.pdf
5 73 0.03% 53512 1.37% /ozdogan/AdvancedProgramming/fall2004/tutorial/
6 61 0.03% 29901 0.76% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/week7/week7.pdf
7 52 0.02% 27618 0.70% /ozdogan/AdvancedProgramming/fall2004/tutorial/Addison Wesley - C++ Primer (3rd edition).pdf
8 8159 3.48% 19886 0.51% /boron-ganglia/
9 23 0.01% 14554 0.37% /ozdogan/StatisticalComputations/week4/week4.pdf
10 22 0.01% 13892 0.35% /ParallelComputing/week1/bluegene.ppt

Top 10 of 1137 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 12167 5.19% 374 8.24% /
2 342 0.15% 277 6.10% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
3 269 0.11% 182 4.01% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
4 212 0.09% 149 3.28% /webalizer/
5 211 0.09% 87 1.92% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
6 125 0.05% 80 1.76% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node200.html
7 93 0.04% 73 1.61% /ozdogan/StatisticalComputations/ceng272/node56.html
8 8159 3.48% 50 1.10% /boron-ganglia/
9 56 0.02% 49 1.08% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node87.html
10 61 0.03% 45 0.99% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node164.html

Top 10 of 1252 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 12167 5.19% 325 7.21% /
2 342 0.15% 191 4.24% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
3 269 0.11% 158 3.50% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
4 212 0.09% 146 3.24% /webalizer/
5 211 0.09% 117 2.59% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
6 123 0.05% 65 1.44% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node126.html
7 125 0.05% 64 1.42% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node200.html
8 93 0.04% 57 1.26% /ozdogan/StatisticalComputations/ceng272/node56.html
9 8159 3.48% 48 1.06% /boron-ganglia/
10 71 0.03% 41 0.91% /ozdogan/OperatingSystems/ceng328/node201.html

Top 30 of 3960 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 57429 24.48% 57243 27.03% 1228887 31.35% 4 0.09%
2 39561 16.86% 39465 18.63% 861409 21.97% 2 0.04%
3 15987 6.82% 15939 7.53% 330042 8.42% 1 0.02%
4 15139 6.45% 14206 6.71% 79687 2.03% 4 0.09%
5 11735 5.00% 11735 5.54% 0 0.00% 2 0.04% ::1
6 10815 4.61% 10123 4.78% 56957 1.45% 5 0.11%
7 4904 2.09% 2940 1.39% 123116 3.14% 3 0.07%
8 4600 1.96% 4562 2.15% 101550 2.59% 1 0.02%
9 3730 1.59% 3712 1.75% 78320 2.00% 1 0.02%
10 561 0.24% 506 0.24% 2163 0.06% 13 0.28%
11 418 0.18% 126 0.06% 492 0.01% 1 0.02%
12 346 0.15% 316 0.15% 1404 0.04% 1 0.02%
13 313 0.13% 63 0.03% 303 0.01% 2 0.04%
14 298 0.13% 85 0.04% 394 0.01% 4 0.09%
15 250 0.11% 231 0.11% 1101 0.03% 7 0.15%
16 248 0.11% 235 0.11% 798 0.02% 1 0.02%
17 247 0.11% 247 0.12% 1762 0.04% 19 0.41%
18 245 0.10% 88 0.04% 462 0.01% 1 0.02%
19 229 0.10% 229 0.11% 30338 0.77% 34 0.74%
20 228 0.10% 220 0.10% 403 0.01% 6 0.13%
21 226 0.10% 112 0.05% 882 0.02% 2 0.04%
22 224 0.10% 185 0.09% 856 0.02% 1 0.02%
23 209 0.09% 199 0.09% 1581 0.04% 1 0.02%
24 206 0.09% 205 0.10% 1695 0.04% 2 0.04%
25 193 0.08% 126 0.06% 18501 0.47% 1 0.02%
26 191 0.08% 46 0.02% 167 0.00% 2 0.04%
27 185 0.08% 183 0.09% 881 0.02% 1 0.02%
28 185 0.08% 58 0.03% 310 0.01% 3 0.07%
29 181 0.08% 144 0.07% 541 0.01% 1 0.02%
30 175 0.07% 174 0.08% 1736 0.04% 2 0.04%

Top 10 of 3960 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 57429 24.48% 57243 27.03% 1228887 31.35% 4 0.09%
2 39561 16.86% 39465 18.63% 861409 21.97% 2 0.04%
3 15987 6.82% 15939 7.53% 330042 8.42% 1 0.02%
4 4904 2.09% 2940 1.39% 123116 3.14% 3 0.07%
5 4600 1.96% 4562 2.15% 101550 2.59% 1 0.02%
6 15139 6.45% 14206 6.71% 79687 2.03% 4 0.09%
7 3730 1.59% 3712 1.75% 78320 2.00% 1 0.02%
8 10815 4.61% 10123 4.78% 56957 1.45% 5 0.11%
9 16 0.01% 14 0.01% 40855 1.04% 0 0.00%
10 36 0.02% 34 0.02% 38811 0.99% 1 0.02%

Top 30 of 1393 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 148846 63.45% - (Direct Request)
2 25238 10.76%
3 4197 1.79%
4 3946 1.68%
5 3029 1.29%
6 1441 0.61%
7 1433 0.61%
8 1378 0.59%
9 1145 0.49%
10 1079 0.46%
11 1012 0.43%
12 958 0.41%
13 884 0.38%
14 876 0.37%
15 778 0.33%
16 777 0.33%
17 727 0.31%
18 699 0.30%
19 549 0.23%
20 546 0.23%
21 544 0.23%
22 511 0.22%
23 506 0.22%
24 474 0.20%
25 459 0.20%
26 434 0.19%
27 422 0.18%
28 410 0.17%
29 406 0.17%
30 405 0.17%

Top 20 of 1341 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 25 1.36% round robin scheduling example
2 17 0.93% round robin scheduling
3 17 0.93% round robin scheduling algorithm example
4 14 0.76% shortest job first
5 12 0.65% contiguous allocation
6 12 0.65% first come first serve scheduling
7 12 0.65% optimal page replacement algorithm
8 11 0.60% sjf scheduling
9 10 0.55% process control block
10 9 0.49% optimal page replacement
11 8 0.44% deadlock detection and recovery
12 8 0.44% fifo page replacement algorithm example
13 8 0.44% shortest job first scheduling
14 7 0.38% address binding
15 7 0.38% bounded buffer problem
16 7 0.38% scan scheduling
17 7 0.38% types of system calls
18 6 0.33% allocation of frames in operating system
19 6 0.33% fifo page replacement algorithm
20 6 0.33% indexed allocation

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 22 0.01% 22 0.01% 57 0.00% 16 0.35% cankaya

Top 15 of 1161 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 95671 40.78% Googlebot-Image/1.0
2 25722 10.97% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
3 15121 6.45% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:10.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.1
4 11735 5.00% Apache (internal dummy connection)
5 10801 4.60% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20111107 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) FireDownload/2.0.1 Firefox/3.6.24
6 4904 2.09% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
7 4831 2.06% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.162 Safari/535.19
8 3451 1.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.168 Safari/535.19
9 2693 1.15% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.162 Safari/535.19
10 2688 1.15% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.162 Safari/535.19
11 2390 1.02% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.168 Safari/535.19
12 2077 0.89% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0
13 1997 0.85% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
14 1944 0.83% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
15 1632 0.70% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0

Usage by Country for May 2012

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 234578 100.00% 213734 100.91% 3919981 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23