- Most problems in the real world are modeled with differential equations because it is easier
to see the relationship in terms of a derivative.
- e.g. Newton's Law: F=Ma,
(constant acceleration). 2
order ordinary differential equation.
- It is ordinary since it does not involve partial differentials.
- Second order since the order of the derivative is two.
- The solution to this equation is a function,
- Two arbitrary constants,
, the initial values for the velocity and position.
- The equation for s(t) allows the computation of a numerical value for s, the position of the object, at any value for time, the independent variable, t.
- e.g. Harmonic oscillator problem in mechanics,
- e.g. One-dimensional Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics,
- e.g. One-dimensional Laplace equation in electromagnetic theory, etc.
- Analytical solutions of these equations are often non-existent or very complicated.
- Numerical solutions are the remedy. In terms of solution technique, we can divide differential equations into three groups:
- Initial Value Problems: In time-dependent problems, the initial state at time t=0 is given and a solution is searched for later t values. For example, in the following quadratic equation
two initial conditions must be given at t=0, namely
values. (N
order differential equation
N initial conditions).
- Boundary Value Problems.
- Eigenvalue (characteristic-value) Problems.