List of Tables

  1. Floating $\rightarrow $ Normalised.
  2. The Secant method for $f(x)=3x + sin(x) - e^x$, starting from $x_0=1,x_1=0$, using a tolerance value of 1E-16.
  3. Newton's method for $f(x)=3x + sin(x) - e^x$, starting from $x_0=0$, using a tolerance value of 1E-16.
  4. Forward-difference approximation for $f(x)=e^x sin(x)$.
  5. Backward-difference approximation for $f(x)=e^x sin(x)$.
  6. Central-difference approximation for $f(x)=e^x sin(x)$.
  7. Integration for $\frac {1.0}{\sqrt {1.0-(sin(\theta _0/2)sin(\phi ))^2}}$ by the trapezoidal rule.
  8. Solution of the differential equation $dy/dx=x+y$ in the interval [0, 1] by Euler method.
  9. Solution of the differential equation $dy/dx=x+y$ in the interval [0, 1] by 4th order Runge-Kutta method.
  10. Successive estimates of solution (Jacobi method)
  11. Fitting a polynomial to data.
  12. Interpolation of gasoline prices.
  13. Fitting a polynomial to data.
  14. Divided-difference table in symbolic form.
  15. Divided-difference table in numerical values.
  16. Divided-difference table in numerical values for a polynomial.
  17. Data to illustrate curve fitting.
  18. Figure for the data to illustrate curve fitting.