List of Figures

  1. Recommended Text Books.
  2. Running a Computer Program.
  3. NumPy Module Organization.
  4. SciPy Modules.
  5. Level of precision.
  6. Computer numbers with six bit representation.
  7. Upper: number line in the hypothetical system, Lower: IEEE standard.
  8. Output of
  9. Output and Plot of
  10. Output of
  11. Variation of energy density with wavelength/frequency in blackbody radiation.
  12. Testing for a change in sign of f(x) will bracket either a root or singularity.
  13. Code and plot of the function: $f(x)=3x + sin(x) - e^x$
  14. The stopping criterion for a root-finding procedure should involve a tolerance on $x$, as well as a tolerance on $f(x)$.
  15. Graphical illustration of the Secant Method.
  16. Graphical illustration of the Newton's Method.
  17. Forward-difference approximation for $f(x)=e^x sin(x)$.
  18. Backward-difference approximation for $f(x)=e^x sin(x)$.
  19. Central-difference approximation for $f(x)=e^x sin(x)$.
  20. Time change of position and velocity in motion under the force F=-kx.
  21. Simple pendulum.
  22. The trapezoidal rule.
  23. Integration for $f(x)=e^x$ by the trapezoidal rule.
  24. Solution of the differential equation $dy/dx=x+y$ in the interval [0, 1] by Euler method.
  25. Solution of the differential equation $dy/dx=x+y$ in the interval [0, 1] by Euler method.
  26. Numerical solution of projectile motion with and without air friction. (Example py-file:
  27. Numerical solution of planetary motion. There can be closed orbits (ellipse), or solutions going to infinity (unbounded, hyperbola) for different velocities. (Example py-file:
  28. First guess.
  29. Second guess.
  30. Expected result.
  31. Solution for the Boundary Value Problem for the ODE: $y''(x)-(4x^2-2)y=0$.
  32. Solution for the Boundary Value Problem for the ODE: $y''(x)-(4x^2-2)y=0$.
  33. The region between two spherical shells of different potential.
  34. Solution for the Boundary Value Problem for the ODE: $V''=-\frac {2}{r}V'$.
  35. Solution for the Boundary Value Problem for the ODE: $V''=-\frac {2}{r}V'$.
  36. Solution for the Eigenvalue Problem for the ODE: $\frac {dy_2}{dx}=-k^2y_1$.
  37. Solution for the Eigenvalue Problem for the ODE: $\frac {dy_2}{d\rho }=\left [ \frac {l(l+1)}{\rho ^2} -\left ( \frac {\lambda }{\rho }-\frac {1} {4}\right ) \right ] y_1$.
  38. Solution for the Eigenvalue Problem for the ODE: $\frac {dy_2}{d\rho }=\left [ \frac {l(l+1)}{\rho ^2} -\left ( \frac {\lambda }{\rho }-\frac {1} {4}\right ) \right ] y_1$.
  39. First 6 Legendre Polynomials $P_{\ell }(x)$ with Recursion Relation: $P_{\ell }(x)=\frac {1}{\ell }[(2\ell -1)xP_{\ell -1}(x)-(\ell -1)P_{\ell -2}(x)]$.
  40. Plot of first 6 $P_{\ell }(x)$.
  41. First 6 Hermite Polynomials $H_{k}(x)$ with Recursion Relation: $H_{k+1}(x)=2xH_k(x)-2k H_{k-1}(x)$.
  42. Plot of first 6 $H_{k}(x)$.
  43. Wavefunction representations for the first 5 bound eigenstates, $\nu = 0 - 4$.
  44. Corresponding probability densities.
  45. Steps in Gaussian elimination and back substitution without pivoting.
  46. Kirchhoff's Rules in Gaussian elimination & back substitution. No pivoting.
  47. Steps in Gaussian elimination and back substitution with pivoting.
  48. (a) Without Pivoting (b) With Pivoting.
  49. Mass-Spring system.
  50. Polynomial Interpolation.
  51. Polynomial Interpolation - Gasoline Case.
  52. Lagrange Polynomial Interpolation - Gasoline Case.
  53. Fitting with different degrees of the polynomial.
  54. Fitting with quadratic in subinterval.
  55. Linear spline.
  56. Cubic spline.
  57. Resistance vs Temperature graph for the Least-Squares Approximation.
  58. Minimizing the deviations by making the sum a minimum.
  59. Polynomial Least-Square Approximation.
  60. Millikan oil-drop experiment.