STEP1: SIGN-UP CANVAS: Fill the link to sign up canvas.
IMPORTANT: Name 123456789Surname (AdboşlukNUMARASOYAD <--> Cem 123456789Ozdogan)
STEP2: AFTER SIGN-UP CANVAS: Modify/Correct your account Name(s) as Name 123456789Surname if necessary (see picture below: Full Name, Display Name, Sortable Name).
If your Full/Display/Sortable Name pattern(s) is not appropriate, your Canvas account for PHY101_FALL2019 might be deactivated.
STEP3: LABORATORY EXEMPTION. If your previous laboratory grade is greater than 59, you should make a petition (with your hand writing, see picture below) to the instructor.
STEP4: OBJECTIONS. If you want your answers to be re-evaluated, you should make a petition (with your hand writing, see picture below) to the instructor.
Text: Fundamentals of Physics, 9th Edition, D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker.
We will cover chapters 1-11.
Ch. 1: Measurement
Ch. 2: Motion Along a Straight Line
Ch. 3: Vectors
Ch. 4: Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Ch. 5: Force and Motion I
Ch. 6: Force and Motion II
Ch. 7: Kinetic Energy and Work
Ch. 8: Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
Ch. 9: Centre of Mass and Linear Momentum
Ch. 10: Rotation
Ch. 11: Rolling,Torque,and Angular Momentum
CH: Chapter, SP: Sample Problems (Fundamentals of Physics, 9th Edition, D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker ) |
Modified |
Topic |
Lecture Notes |
Laboratory |
Quiz |
CH1 Measurement |
CH2 Motion Along a Straight Line |
CH3 Vectors |
CH4 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions |
CH5 Force and Motion I |
CH6 Force and Motion II |
Midterm Examination: November 02, 2019. 11:00-13:00. 1-Significant Figures or Unit Conversions and Uncertainty 2-1D Motion or Free Fall 3-2D Motion or Projectile Motion 4-Newton’s Second Law with Friction 5-Forces with Ropes and Masses. Solutions are available. Midterm grades are available. |
November 15, 2018 |
Ch07_Kinetic_Energy_and_Work |
Ch08 Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy |
Ch09 Centre of Mass and Linear Momentum |
Ch10 Rotation |
Ch11 Rolling Torque and Angular_Momentum |
Final Examination: January 06,
2020. 13:30-15:30 (A2-08
grades are available.
Resit Examination: January 22, 2020. 15:30-17:30 (B1-08 BME). 1. Dynamics of Circular Motion 2. Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem, Conservation of Energy 3. Impulse and Momentum, Collisions 4. Rotational Kinematics, Rotational Kinetic Energy 5.Torque, Rotational Dynamics. Resit
Examination grades are available.